Met Council Coronavirus Resource Center

If you have lost your job or income because of Coronavirus, please see the list of resources below that can assist you during these hard times:


 Do you need to file for Unemployment Insurance Benefits?

Below you will find details about the emergency benefits available to you under Federal law and information about how to file for unemployment benefits in New York.

American Rescue Plan Act Unemployment Benefits

The American Rescue Plan was signed on March 12, 2021 and provides extended federal unemployment benefits.

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

  • Allows unemployment benefits to be accessed by the self-employed, gig workers, part-timers and others who are typically ineligible for regular unemployment benefits.

  • Now available for a total of 79 weeks, up from 50, and runs through September 5th. Your benefits will expire after 79 weeks or September 5th, whichever comes first.

  • The Department of Labor (DOL) will still review eligibility for federal benefits for weeks of unemployment on or before September 5, 2021 once the federal programs expire. If due benefits, claimants will be paid once determined eligible. New PUA claims will be accepted for a period of 30-days after September 5, 2021.

Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)

  • To be eligible for PEUC, you must first exhaust 26 weeks of regular UI benefits and continue to be unemployed.

  • Now available for a total of 53 weeks and runs through the benefit week ending September 5, 2021.

  • If you are a recipient of PUA you are not eligible for PEUC or EB.

Extended Benefits (EB)

  • To be eligible for EB you must first exhaust all 26 weeks of regular UI benefits and all 53 weeks of PEUC benefits.

  • Because New York State has fallen below the rate established by the Federal government for EB, effective August 9, 2021 EB will be available for a maximum of 13 weeks.

  • Claimants who have received 13+ weeks of EB will no longer be eligible for EB on their existing claim after the benefit week of August 9, 2021, but may be eligible for PEUC or PUA benefits through September 5, 2021. Claimants who are unemployed should continue to certify weekly.

  • Claimants who will exhaust EB on their existing claim will be contacted by email and text message.

Mixed-Earner Supplement

  • $100 weekly supplemental payment for people collecting UI (not PUA) who earned at least $5,000 a year in self- employment and have additional income from employers.

  • Extended through September 5, 2021.

  • Note: This amount is included when calculating eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)

  • $300/week supplemental unemployment payment for everyone receiving unemployment.

  • To receive these benefits, claimants must be eligible for and receive state UI, PUA, PEUC, EB, or Shared Work benefits.

  • Extended through September 5, 2021.

  • Note: This amount is not included when calculating eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Benefit End Year Date Update

If you have been receiving Unemployment Income Benefits for a while, you may be approaching your Benefit End Year Date (BYE). To learn if you qualify for extended federal benefits or if you need to file a new unemployment insurance claim (UI), please read below.

  • If you are receiving UI benefits, PEUC, or EB and are still unemployed when you reach your BYE date you must file a new claim online ( after your BYE date.

  • If you have been receiving PUA benefits due to being unemployed and you are still unemployed when you reach your BYE date, you do not need to reapply. You should continue to certify weekly while you remain unemployment to continue to receive the benefits for which you are eligible.

  • If you received UI, but went back to work and earned ten times more than what your weekly UIB amount was, and you are now unemployed again, you will need to file a new claim for UIB benefits.

  • If you have not returned yet to work for an employer, or the income you earned when you did return to work is less than ten times your weekly benefit amount, you do not need to reapply at your BYE date. If you remain or are now again unemployed, you can continue to recertify for your unemployment.

  • To file a new claim or continue to recertify, you can still go to:

  • For filing new claims, you will need to apply a specific day, based on the first letter of your last name. You can find out which day by going to:

Filing for Unemployment Benefits with the New York State Department of Labor

If you lost your job, you may be eligible for up to $504 per week in Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) once approved. Because of Coronavirus, New York State has waived the previously required 7 day waiting period before filing for benefits.  You can file for benefits online ( or over the phone (1-888-209-8124). If you choose to file over the phone the hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Translation services are available when filing by phone in English, Spanish, Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Creole, and Korean.

The day you can file a new claim is based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-F can file with the above link on Mondays

  • G-N can file with the above link on Tuesdays

  • O-Z can file with the above link on Wednesdays

If you miss the day for filing, you can file using the same link Thursdays-Sundays

If you previously filed a claim, click here for more information on your claim:

If You Have a Question About a Claim

If you have a question about a claim you have filed or about filing a claim, you can call 1-888-209-8124 during the following hours:

  • Monday through Friday, 8 am to 7:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 am to 8:00 pm.

If You Have a Question About Your Online Account

If you have a question about your online account, are having problems with logging in, updating your personal information or need to reset your password, you can call 1-800-833-3000.

If You Have Exhausted Your Benefit

If you receiving UIB before and have exhausted your benefit, please see below how you may apply for UIB again:

  • If your benefit year expired after July 1, 2019, you will need to file a new claim to receive 13 additional weeks of benefits. You will receive a letter in the mail from the NYS DOL with more details.

  • If your benefit year has not expired, but you exhausted your 26 weeks of benefits, you will receive a letter from NYS DOL advising you to begin certifying to receive the additional 13 weeks of benefits.

  • If your benefit year has not expired, but you stopped claiming benefits before your 26 weeks were up (for example, if you went back to work), simply begin certifying for benefits again to start receiving UI benefits.

Personal Identification Number (PIN)

When you file, you will need your PIN (Personal Identification Number).

If you have never filed a claim for benefits in New York State, you must create a PIN. This is a four-digit number that you will need to keep and are encouraged to keep safe and confidential.

Information and documentation you will need to file your claim by phone and online:

  • Your Social Security number

  • Your driver license or Motor Vehicle ID card number (if you have either one)

  • Your complete mailing address and zip code

  • A phone number where we can reach you from 8 am – 5 pm, Monday –Friday

  • Your Alien Registration card number (if you are not a U.S. Citizen and have a card)

  • Names and addresses of all your employers for the last 18 months, including those in other states

  • Employer Registration number or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) of your most recent employer (FEIN is on your W-2 forms)

  • Your copies of forms SF8 and SF50, if you were a federal employee

  • Your most recent separation form (DD 214), for military service

Note that you can file a claim without all of these documents. However, missing information can delay your first payment.

We encourage you to make or print copies of what you submit online. If you cannot print or make a copy, please write down the online application and confirmation information you are provided when you apply.

For direct deposit of your weekly benefit income, you will need to provide your bank routing and checking account information (available by looking at a copy of a check from your checking account or obtaining this information through your online banking account).

If You Need Assistance in Filing a Claim

If you have a disability and need help to file your claim online, you may allow another person to aid you.

  • You must be present each time they help you and use your PIN.

  • You will be held accountable for the actions of your helper.

  • You may be subject to penalties, including forfeiture of benefits, if you are not present when your helper assists you.

Callers may ask a friend or relative to help with phone claims if they:

  • Have problems with hearing or speech, or

  • Have difficulty using the phone for any reason.

If You Are Hearing Impaired

If you are hearing impaired, you may have a helper call the telephone claims center at 1-888-783-1370 to assist you during a phone call.

To make a TTY/TDD phone call, you may contact a relay operator first at 1-800-662-1220, and ask the operator to call the Telephone Claims Center at 1-888-783-1370

If you are Self-Employed

If you are self-employed, you may now file for Unemployment Insurance benefits online. Please review the Guidance for Self Employed Individuals.

Please see above for instructions on how to file a claim.

Additional Information

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions and additional information about filing for Unemployment Income Benefits, please see these sites below:

For common questions about UI, go to the FAQs page.

If you still have questions about UI or your claim, sign in with your NY.GOV ID and click on “Messages”.

For questions re: using NY.GOV ID: NY.GOV ID: Helpful Short Guides and Frequently Asked Questions

For recorded, general information about Unemployment Income, call the Tel-Service line at (888) 581-5812 and choose Option 1 on the main menu.

Denials of Unemployment Income Benefit and Appeals Process

As of May 6, 2021 all hearings are held by telephone only. You will receive a notice in the mail letting you know the date and time when the judge will call you for your hearing. You will also receive an automated reminder call one week prior to your hearing. If you have any questions regarding your hearing, please call the number on your hearing notice or the number given in the automated call.

For more information on the appeals process visit: NYS Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board.


Will I receive an economic impact payment check?

Third Stimulus Payments

The American Rescue Plan was signed on March 12, 2021. For those eligible, the third stimulus payments are expected to be transferred via direct deposit starting March 17, 2021. If the previous stimulus payments were mailed to you on a debit card, it is likely this will be the same for this third payment as well and can be expected to be received through April 2021.

The third stimulus check amount is $1,400 for a single person whose income is up to or less than $75,000 but will become less for those earning more. If you earn $80,000 as a single person, you may not be eligible for the third stimulus payment. For a married couple whose joint, federal income tax return shows you are earning $150,000 or less together, you will be eligible for a stimulus of $2,800. For married couples earning more, the amount for the stimulus will be less and will phase out at $160,000. If you have not yet filed your 2020 taxes, the IRS will use your 2019 tax return information when calculating your eligibility for the stimulus checks. 

Dependents in households qualify for up to $1,400 in a stimulus payment as well, which includes children in the home aged 23 or younger and also older parents living in the household.

For full details of eligibility, you can visit You can also see when you can expect to get your stimulus check by going to: 

Child Tax Credit

This expansion of the child tax credit will impact your household when you file your 2021 taxes. It will not impact your filing of your 2020 tax returns. 

This credit offers a child tax credit of $3,600 for children, ages newborn through 5 years old and a $3,000 tax credit for children ages 6 through 17 years old.

Parents are eligible for these full credits, per child, if their adjusted gross income less than $75,000 as a single parent and filer or if adjusted gross income is less than $150,000 for parents who are married and filing a joint tax return. For parents with income above these amounts, the credit is reduced to $2,000 per child. If a single parent has an adjusted gross income of $200,000 or parents who are married and filing a joint tax return have an adjusted gross income of $400,000, the credit will not apply.

Families do not need to wait to file 2021 taxes to receive these credits. It is expected that in the second half of 2021, eligible households will be able to get checks of up to $300 per child, per month through this credit.

Second Stimulus Payments

The COVID Relief Act was signed into law on December 27, 2020 and provides economic impact payments of $600 for most adults and an additional payment of $600 for every qualifying child age 16 or under. Please find the full details below.

  • $600 per individual(s) filing as Single or Married Filing Separate whose Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) does not exceed $75,000.

  • $600 per individual(s) filing as Head of Household whose Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) does not exceed $112,500.

  • $1,200 per couple filing as Married Filing Joint or Qualifying Widow(er) whose Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) does not exceed $150,000.

  • Individual(s) will also receive $600 per qualifying dependent child under the age of 17.

If a taxpayers’ AGI exceeds the thresholds stated above, the stimulus payment will begin to phase-out at a rate of $5 for every $100 of Adjusted Gross Income above the stated threshold.

Initially, the AGI threshold will be based off of the taxpayers’ 2019 Adjusted Gross Income, however, since these are in actuality an advance payment of a credit which will be computed on the taxpayers’ 2020 Form 1040, if your recomputed credit is higher based on changes in income or qualifying children, the taxpayer will get additional credit on the 2020 Form 1040.

The second stimulus payments have already begun to arrive for many! You can calculate how much you will receive in stimulus by going here.

There is a deadline of January 15, 2021 for when these second checks will be sent to all who are eligible.

Direct Deposit

If you have direct deposit information on file with the IRS already, you are in the first group who will receive the stimulus.  You can NOT sign up for direct deposit at this time with the IRS if you have not already done so.    You can track you direct deposit here through Get My Payment:

Paper Checks

If you are expecting to receive a paper check , those began to be mailed on December 30, 2020.  

You can track where your paper check is also by signing up for the Informed Delivery service through the USPS which is a free mail tracking service:

Recovery Rebate Credit

If you do NOT receive your check shortly after the January 15, 2021 deadline or the amount is less than what you expected to receive, you may need to file a claim called the Recovery Rebate Credit when you are filing your taxes this year.  You can learn more about what the rebate credit is and the process for filing along with your taxes, by clicking here.

Economic Imp0act Payment Card

If you received your first stimulus payment through than Economic Impact Payment card (pre-paid debit card), you will likely receive your second check in the same format.  This payment occurred in this way because the IRS did not have banking information on file for you.  To learn more about this card and how to use it, you can go here:

Social Security Recipients

For those receiving Social Security, how and when you will receive the second stimulus depends on how you receive your Social Security deposit each month – direct deposit or through a Direct Express card.  For direct deposit, the second stimulus will or has already been deposited during the first week of the month.  For those usually receiving payment through Direct Express, the stimulus payment will be made through a non-Direct Express bank or paper check.

First Stimulus Payments

The Federal CARES act was signed into law on March 27, 2020 and provides economic impact payments of $1,200 for most adults and an additional payment of $500 for every qualifying child age 16 or under. Single adults with Social Security numbers who have an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less will receive the full amount. Married couples with no children earning $150,000 or less will receive a total of $2,400. Taxpayers filing as head of household will get the full payment if they earned $112,500 or less.

The payment decreases until it stops for single people earning $99,000 or married people with no children that earn $198,000. You cannot receive the payment if someone claims you as a dependent. Everyone must have a valid Social Security number to be eligible. There is an exception for members of the military.

The vast majority of people do NOT need to take any action. The IRS will calculate and automatically send the payment to those eligible.

For people who have already filed their 2019 tax returns, the IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount. For those who have not yet filed their return for 2019, the IRS will use information from their 2018 tax filing to calculate the payment. The economic impact payment will be deposited directly into the same banking account reflected on the return filed.

If you have not filed tax returns recently, the IRS recommends anyone with a tax filing obligation who has not yet filed a tax return for 2018 or 2019 to file as soon as they can to receive an economic impact payment. Taxpayers should include direct deposit banking information on the return.

If you do not file taxes, use the “Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info Here” IRS application to provide simple information so you can get your payment.

The following who typically DO NOT file a tax return will automatically get the $1,200 payment:

  • Recipients of Social Security retirement, disability (SSDI), survivor benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI);

  • Recipients of Veterans Affairs benefits; and

  • Recipients of Railroad Retirement and Survivor Benefits.

Special Note: Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries with dependent children and who DID NOT file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Wednesday, April 22, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly to claim the $500 payment per child. Use the “Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info Here” IRS application to provide simple information so you can get your payment.

Direct deposits are expected to begin by April 17, followed by checks in the mail. You will get a paper notice in the mail no later than a few weeks after your payment has been disbursed. That notice will contain information about where the payment ended up and in what form it was made. If you could not locate the payment at that point, it would be time to contact the IRS using the information on the notice.

On August 15, 2020, the IRS reopened the registration period for federal beneficiaries who did not enter their dependent’s information and did not receive $500 per child payments earlier this year. The registration period has reopened until September 30, 2020. This expanded window applies only to recipients of Social Security retirement, survivor or disability benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Railroad Retirement benefits and Veterans Affairs Compensation and Pension (C&P) benefits who have dependent children. If an individual falling into these groups used the Non-Filer Tool to provide information on children, after May 5, 2020, no additional action is needed.

If you are eligible for the payment and have already completed the tool, you should receive the payment automatically in October.

The economic impact payments will be available throughout the rest of 2020.

Treasury has developed a web-based portal for individuals to provide their banking information to the IRS online, so that individuals can receive payments immediately as opposed to checks in the mail. For more information please visit the IRS website here:

If you require assistance with filing your taxes, please contact a Met Council representative for Met Council’s Free Tax Prep Program assistance.

I used the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool to register for an Economic Impact Payment. I need to file a 2019 tax return. Can I file electronically? What should I do?

The Economic Impact Payment’s Non-Filers tool was not intended for use by taxpayers who also needed to file a tax return with the IRS for tax year 2019.

If you used the Non-Filers tool to register for an Economic Impact Payment, you can not now file your tax return electronically. You must complete and print a paper 2019 Form 1040 or 1040-SR tax return, write “Amended EIP Return” at the top, and mail it to the IRS. If you owe tax, you should pay it in full by the July 15 due date. Interest will be charged after July 15 on any amounts that are not paid by July 15.

For more information, visit the Amended EIP Return page.

Where is my stimulus payment?

If you have not received your stimulus payment and want to know your status, you can learn more by going here: You can also call the IRS Economic Impact Payment Information Tel: 800-919-9835

Stimulus checks have been mailed each week with the final checks expected to arrive by mail on September 11th.  If you still have not received your check and believe you are eligible and/or you applied, you can learn the status of your application by going to or by calling the IRS Economic Impact Payment Information Tel: 800-919-9835.


Do you require emergency food assistance?

Emergency Food

If you need emergency food assistance, call the Emergency Food Hotline at 866-888-8777 or 311 to find a local pantry or kitchen. There is no income limit for emergency food. Learn more about Emergency food.

NYC Food Delivery Assistance

The City of New York is providing assistance to New Yorkers during the Coronavirus crisis by delivering meals to those who cannot access food themselves. Learn more at

NYC Department of Education Food Distribution – Food Hubs

Beginning Thursday, November 19, the food distribution sites and times has been updated. Any New Yorker can receive free meals available at more than 200 locations across the city.

Family and students can continue to go to any school building between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm on the weekdays to pick up three free grab-and-go meals.

  • No identification or registration is necessary.

  • Kosher meals are available at selected sites, listed below.

  • Vegetarian meals are available at all locations.

  • No dining space is available, so meals must be eaten off premises

Community member meals can be picked up between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Please view the DOE calendar for more information

  • Meals are not available to the general public at any other time.

  • No registration or ID required.

  • Multiple meals can be picked up at once.

  • No dining space is available, so meals must be eaten off premises.

Visit the NYC DOE website to search for a food hub and see menus, and visit CFA for an interactive map and full list of food hubs. (Please note: The food hubs may change over time. We will keep the list updated.) Or text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877.

Kosher Grab and Go Meal Options

The kosher food distribution will be available as of November 19 at the locations below:

  • Meals are served from 3pm – 5pm, on school days for community members.

  • The meals are being catered by Borenstein Caterers under the brand name of “Regal-Glatt,” under the hechsher of Volove Kashrus – Rabbi N.E. Teitelbaum of Congregation Nachlas Avos Volove.

Kosher meals follow the USDA meal nutrition guidelines and are produced in partnership with a certified kosher distributor. Kosher meal sites are housed in DOE school buildings and staffed by DOE food service staff. Meals offered at our kosher meal sites are free and available to any New Yorker that requests them.

Pickup locations:


PS 048 P.O. Michael J Buczek – 4360-78 Broadway, Manhattan 10033 (Washington Heights)

PS 75   735 West End Avenue, Manhattan, 10025 (UWS)


P.S. 16 157 Wilson Street, 11211

Crown Heights

P.S. 221 – 791 Empire Blvd, Brooklyn 11213

Boro Park

Franklin D. Roosevelt High School—5800 20th Avenue,11204

P.S. 160 – 5105 Fort Hamilton Parkway , 11219


P.S. 197 – 1599 East 22 Street, Brooklyn 11210

Midwood High School – 2839 Bedford Avenue, 11210

Far Rockaway

P.S. 253 – 1307 Central Avenue, Queens 11691

Kew Gardens

P.S. 164 138-01 77 Avenue, 11367

Forest Hills

Forest Hills HS – 67-01 110th Street, 11375


P.S. 24 Spuyten Duyvil, 660 West 236th Street, Bronx, NY, 10463 (Riverdale)

Staten Island

CSI HS for international Studies, 100 Essex Drive, 10314

Updates to meal locations are available here.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

If you are a household of 4 that earns less than $2,790 gross per month, your household may be eligible for SNAP.

Clients may apply for SNAP via Access HRA’s website: or with the Access HRA mobile. (Income requirements apply).

To help stop the spread of Coronavirus, as of March 24, HRA has consolidated their HRA Job, SNAP, and Medicaid Center locations.

  • As a result of these consolidations, we are advising New Yorkers to apply for public benefits online at ACCESS HRA in order to prevent unnecessary visits to an HRA center.

  • For clients who can not or do not want to apply online, a list of JobSNAP, and Medicaid center locations that will remain open can be found here: Job, SNAP, Medicaid.

You may also contact Met Council’s Benefits Access Helpline at 212-453-9532 to be connected with a SNAP Specialist for assistance.

HRA Locations Reopening

The HRA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Job Center, and Medicaid locations, which had consolidated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to protect clients and staff, will begin reopening to offer service to clients starting in mid-July. Masks will be required in all locations, and self-service drop boxes for completed Cash Assistance (CA), SNAP and HEAP applications will be available at all CA and SNAP sites, in addition to the self-service PC banks and scanners available at the majority HRA SNAP and Job Centers.

Medicaid applications from individuals age 65 and older or who have a disability can be dropped off in marked drop boxes at Medical Assistance Program “MAP” (formerly known as Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration or MICSA) locations and may also be faxed to 917-639-0732.

HRA’s Medicaid clients who have questions about their case or their Medicaid card or who wish to report case changes, such as change of address, can call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116. Pursuant to a federal waiver, Medicaid easements allowing for applicant attestation of all elements of eligibility except identity and immigration status are in place until the end of the year and Medicaid renewals due between now and September 30, 2021 will automatically be renewed.

Please see the re-opening schedule outlined below:


4055 10th Avenue, Manhattan

Client Reopening Date*: July 12, 2021


1365 Jerome Avenue, Bronx

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


275 Bergen Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


219 Beach 59th Street, Queens

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021


2 George Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

East New York, FSCC Satellite

404 Pine Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

*Please note that as HRA teams continue to implement the reopening plan, any changes will be immediately communicated.

CA and SNAP clients whose Center has not yet opened for client-facing services and who are unable to transact with the agency using remote online options such as ACCESS HRA can utilize the Centers that have remained open throughout the course of the pandemic to serve clients in person or call Infoline at (718) 557-1339 to find other ways they can apply, including a telephone submission. Up-to-date information on the opening status of HRA Centers, along with maps and opening hours, is displayed on the HRA Locations page on the website. Clients can apply for SNAP or CA online anytime via ACCESS HRA without having to visit an office location in person. Clients age 65 and older or who have a disability may call HRA’s Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116 to request a Medicaid application. All other clients should apply for Medicaid through the New York State of Health available at or by calling 1-855-355-5777.

SNAP Benefits Online

You can now use your Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to shop online for fresh produce and groceries and have them delivered. Use your EBT card at these online stores in NYC:

Note: You can’t use SNAP benefits to pay delivery fees. Be sure to confirm that an online store delivers to your home address. Learn more from HRA.

SNAP Recertifications

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the NYS OTDA is automatically extending certain TA/MA/SNAP and SNAP only recertifications scheduled to expire in March, April and May for a period of three (3) months.

Additionally, the SNAP certification periods expiring at the end of July 2020 will be automatically extended for six months. The mass extension will allow HRA/DSS until January 31, 2021 to recertify any case that was scheduled to be recertified by July 31,2020. See OTDA Guidance.

Simplified SNAP Application

Clients, providers, and advocates can now call Infoline to request a paper copy of the Simplified SNAP application kit (LDSS-5166) by mail. As a reminder, the simplified SNAP application can be used by households where:

  • All adults are 60 years or older and/or have a disability; AND

  • No adult in the household has earned income.

Emergency SNAP Allotments

NYS has approved Emergency SNAP Allotments in response to Coronavirus. In April households in receipt of SNAP Benefits will receive two supplements covering March and April benefits getting households up to the maximum allotment based on household size. These SNAP Benefits will be issued over a period of two weeks after the receipt of April’s benefits from 4/11 through 4/18 and from 4/21 through 4/25.

Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits will be issued as supplements to SNAP households that have not or will not receive the maximum household benefit, based on the household’s size, for November 2020. The supplement will be the difference between the amount of SNAP benefits the household received for the month and the maximum benefit amount for the household’s size. Only SNAP households that did not receive the maximum benefit for the size of the household for November are eligible for the EA supplement. This includes households that received a pro-rated, partial issuance for November. 

The EA supplements will be issued in ten cohorts, on 11/14, and from 11/17 through 11/21 and from 11/24 through 11/28/20.  

For more information contact Met Council’s Benefits Assistance Hotline 212-453-9532.

Temporary Expansion of SNAP Eligibility for College Students

As a reminder, the Federal Emergency Relief Act temporarily expands the SNAP student eligibility rules by amending the allowable exemptions to the rule in two additional ways:

• A student is eligible if they are eligible to participate in state or federal work-study, regardless of whether the student is actively employed or participating in work-study; and

• Any student that has an “expected family contribution” of $0 may participate in SNAP if otherwise eligible.

Beginning on January 16, 2021, students meeting the expanded criteria above are eligible to receive SNAP benefits. Students must provide verification that they meet one of these new criteria. The expansion of SNAP eligibility for students applies to both undergraduate and graduate students.

These amended federal eligibility qualifications for students will be in effect until 30 days after the COVID–19 federal public health emergency is lifted.

Students granted eligibility under these amended federal qualifications will maintain student eligibility until the next recertification regardless of whether the emergency declaration is lifted at any time during the certification period.

HRA has shared this information with advocates, community providers, and elected officials in our weekly communications and on our weekly call. We have also posted information on our COVID-19 updates page on our website and on the ACCESS HRA homepage.

Information and guidance on the expansion of student eligibility has been included in mandatory training for all SNAP and Cash Assistance staff. HRA has also issued a Policy Bulletin informing all staff on these changes.

This is a temporary further expansion of the student eligibility criteria for all students regardless of the program or school they are enrolled in. However, as we reported in November, student eligibility was also extended for CUNY students participating in career or technical programs. CUNY students are receiving their Student Verification of Enrollment forms directly through their student account. CUNY is reviewing current enrollment status for all students. Those students who satisfy all of the SNAP requirements for a career and technical education exception will receive the Verification form in their student account. The Student Verification of Enrollment form must be submitted as supporting documentation with a SNAP application.

More details about SNAP student eligibility are available on the OTDA SNAP website.

Pandemic EBT

Do you have children between grades K-12 that participate in Free or Reduce School meals and are having hard times replacing meals your child would have received at school?

To assist your household during these challenging times there is Pandemic EBT (PEBT) and you might be eligible for $420 per child for food purchases.

How Does Pandemic EBT Work?

For Household containing children participate in school Meals during the months of March – June 2020 a cash value benefit of $420 for purchasing food for home preparation and consumption will be issued per child on an EBT or Medicaid Card.

How Do I Use PEBT Card?

Benefits can be used at any Super Market, Bodega, Farmers Market that takes the EBT card.

To perform purchases the PEBT Card works like a debit card, all that is required is a PIN Number.

When Will I get PEBT?

For households enrolled in SNAP and Public Assistance – May 19th you will receive $193 and June 19th you will receive $227 of benefits added to current EBT cards for food purchases.

Households enrolled in Medicaid – Last 2 weeks of June – $420 in benefits per child will be added to the Medicaid card and a PIN number will be assigned.

Households not enrolled in SNAP, Public Assistance or Medicaid a PEBT card will be issued and mailed to the household for each child in July and August.

See State FAQ link for guidance:

There’s now a form families can use to contact OTDA regarding PEBT: The link allows for clients to get a call back for assistance regarding PEBT benefits.

For more information please contact Met Council’s Benefits Access Helpline at 212 453-9532, Mondays – Thursday 9 am – 5 pm and Fridays 9 am – 2 pm.

As a reminder, the State OTDA has distributed all P-EBT benefits for the spring 2020 school year. The State OTDA is providing a P-EBT helpline at 833-452-0096 for questions concerning the disbursement of these benefits (for spring 2020). The helpline is available from 8:30am – 5pm, Monday through Friday. Translation services are available. Questions can also be submitted through the State’s contact form regarding P-EBT food benefits.

Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) 2020-21 School Year

The State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) is providing P-EBT food benefits to all households with children who receive free school lunch under the National School Lunch Act and whose school was closed or operating with reduced school attendance due to COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 school year. OTDA has confirmed that the State’s P-EBT implementation plan for the 2020-2021 school year has been approved by the federal government. For students in schools in NYC the benefit amount will be based on counts of in-person and virtual learning days for each month, provided by the NYC DOE. The benefit amount for each child in a household is calculated based on the cost of breakfast, lunch, and snack for days the child was not in the school building during the 2020-21 school year (September 2020 – June 2021).

WHO will receive P-EBT for the current school year?

In NYC, every single public-school student—regardless of income or immigration status—will receive P-EBT funds for the current school year (2020-2021). P-EBT does not affect eligibility for other benefits or public charge status.

Students in charter and parochial schools may receive P-EBT if their school participates in the national school lunch program, and if they qualify for free or reduced-price meals.

WHEN will NYC students receive the 2020-2021 school year P-EBT benefit?

There will be two main distributions:

Distribution 1 (expected to start June 15) covers September 2020–March 2021.*

Distribution 2 (expected to start in late summer/early fall) covers April–June 2021.*

*Distribution dates are approximate.

HOW MUCH will NYC students receive this school year?

The total amount for each student will reflect the primary mode of learning that the student had for each month of the school year:

$82 per month if that student’s primary mode of learning was hybrid or blended.

$132 per month if that student’s primary mode of learning was fully remote.

For example, a student who was learning hybrid for all 10 months of the school year would receive a total of $820 for the school year ($82 x 10 months).

HOW will students receive P-EBT?

No application or documentation is required. Like last year, P-EBT benefits will be issued automatically to families on their benefits cards or on a new P-EBT card.

Here is how the cards work:

  • If students received and redeemed P-EBT last year, funds will go to the same card on which the student received the spring funds (such as a SNAP EBT card, Medicaid CBIC, or card issued just for P-EBT), if last spring’s P-EBT benefit was redeemed on that card.

  • For families new to the public school system this year and enrolled in SNAP or public assistance, funds will go on the existing EBT card (such as the card the family has for SNAP or public assistance).

  • For families newly enrolled in SNAP or public assistance, the P-EBT funds will be distributed to your EBT card.

  • A new P-EBT card will be mailed to the family for students who:

    • are new to the school system this year and not enrolled in SNAP or public assistance.

    • received their spring 2020 P-EBT on an existing SNAP and/or public assistance EBT card or Medicaid CBIC but are no longer enrolled in those programs; or

    • received their spring 2020 P-EBT on a separate P-EBT card but did not redeem the benefit.

WHAT NYC families can do now:

Hold on to your P-EBT card from last year!

If you have misplaced your spring 2020 P-EBT card:

  • If you cannot find your card, you can request a replacement card now by calling EBT Customer Service at 1-888-328-6399.

Food Bank for New York City

You can find additional emergency food resources with the Food Bank for New York City Food Program Locator here: (No income requirements).

New York City Food Policy Center

The New York Food Policy Center is offering Coronavirus NYC Neighborhood Food Resource Guides here:

WIC COIVD-19 Updates

WIC on-site appointments are limited however many NYS WIC offices are available to provide services by phone for appointments.

NYS WIC is not suspending any eWIC cards, although there are scams online stating this. Benefits are valid through your family’s “Benefits Valid Through” date.

You can check your WIC benefit balance by:

  • Checking WIC2Go, the mobile app

  • Checking your last store receipt

  • Visiting your store’s customer service desk

  • Calling the eWIC card Customer Service at 844-540-3031

  • Visiting

For questions about food or formula availability, visit the vendor management agency to find locations in your area for help.


Do you require assistance with your rent or mortgage?

If you are behind in your rent:

NYC Tenant Resources Portal

On August 10, 2020, New York City launched a NYC Tenant Resource Portal, the city’s first online tool to provide information and resources for those who are behind in rent and have questions about their options, resources, and about eviction.  When you go here (NYC Tenant Resource Portal)  you will be asked a series of questions about your specific rental arrears concerns or the specific documentation you received.  This website also shares examples of different documentation you may have received and explains the differences between them.  

If you have additional questions, after reviewing the information they provide, Met Council is here to help answer those questions!  Call us at 929-292-9261 or you can schedule an appointment online to speak to someone by clicking on the link at the top of this page.

NYS Emergency Rental Assistance Program

The New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) provides significant economic relief to help low and moderate-income households at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by providing rental arrears, temporary rental assistance and utility arrears assistance. A program overview and eligibility requirements are available on Met Council’s ERAP website.

Applications will be accepted starting June 1, 2021, at 9 a.m. The NYS ERAP Application Portal is available here.

If you need assistance completing the application, you can call the NYS OTDA Call Center seven days a week from 8:00 am – 7:00 pm at 1-844-NY1-RENT (1-844-691-7368). You can also chat with an agent live here.

NYS Eviction Moratorium

The New York State COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2020 (CEEFPA) was signed into law on December 28, 2020 and provides protection for residential evictions, foreclosure proceedings, tax lien sales, credit discrimination and negative credit reporting related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as extends the Senior Citizens’ Homeowner Exemption and Disabled Homeowner Exemption from 2020 to 2021. 

Residential Evictions

On August 12, 2021 the Supreme Court blocked part of New York’s eviction moratorium. The court ruled that hardship declaration form where tenants were able to self-certify to financial hardship is unconstitutional. But tenants found to be experiencing financial hardship by a court are still protected under the eviction moratorium.  Tenants must to fill out a hardship declaration (the old ones count) to be protected, but landlords can now challenge those hardship claims in court. For more information and legal help visit:  

There is a 60 day hold on all residential eviction proceedings following the signing of this act, starting December 28, 2020. If you are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID 19, you can be protected from eviction through January 15, 2022.

Landlords are still able to file evictions or move forward with previously filed evictions on tenants who are creating unsafe or hazardous living environments for other tenants and for tenants who do NOT submit documentation regarding their hardship.

Beginning March 1, eviction proceedings can move forward for nonpayment cases where a tenant has not submitted testimony and documentation regarding their hardship declaration. However, tenants may still submit documentation at any time to prevent a landlord from filing or continuing an eviction proceeding until at least January 15.

 A link to the template of the hardship declaration form is provided here.

Tenant Safe Harbor Act

Under the COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act, the protections of the Tenant Safe Harbor Act are extended. The Tenant Safe Harbor Act provided protection from eviction for those who were facing financial hardship due to the pandemic. This new act has extended this protection to eviction warrants that existed prior to the beginning of the pandemic, as well as to those who are facing eviction for reasons other than non-payment, but are also experiencing financial hardship. The protections of the Tenant Safe Harbor Act have been extended until January 15, 2022.

Residential Foreclosure Proceedings

There is a 60 day hold on all foreclosure proceedings following the signing of this act, starting December 28, 2020.

If you are experiencing hardship due to COVID-19 and a home owner, you may be protected from foreclosure proceedings until May 1, 2021. The protection from foreclosure proceedings has been extended through January 15, 2022. You must file a hardship declaration with your mortgage lender, other foreclosing party, or in a court. This protection is for homeowners and small landlords who own 10 or fewer residential buildings.

 A link to the template of the hardship declaration form is provided here.

Tax Lien Sales

Payment is still due for taxes and you still owe for taxes, but New York State had prohibited local governments from engaging in a tax lien sale until January 15, 2022.

Credit Discrimination and Negative Credit Reporting

If you are a property owner that has filed a hardship declaration, and have been approved a stay of mortgage foreclosure, and are in arrears with your mortgage or tax payments, a credit lending companies may not discriminate against you if you ask for credit.

Senior Citizens’ Homeowner Exemption and Disabled Homeowner Exemption

If you were approved for one of these exemptions in 2020, this act requires that you remain approved at the same level for the same exemptions in 2021. If you may be eligible for a larger exemption in 2021, you will receive a renewal application. If your local government office believes you may no longer be eligible for this exemption, you may also need to complete a renewal application to determine your eligibility in 2021. Renewal applications do not need to be filed in person for 2021.

HRA continues to accept applications for the One Shot Deal which can also provide payment to bring an overdue and unpaid housing balance to zero, to stop the eviction or foreclosure from proceeding.

Petitions for Eviction

If landlord has filed a petition for eviction against a tenant for nonpayment anytime starting June 22, 2020, when Housing Court reopened, the tenant must answer that petition. If the tenant does not answer that petition, they may lose the eviction case due to what is called a default judgment. A default judgment happens when a tenant does not respond to the court about their landlord’s petition to evict them.

If the petition was filed ON or AFTER Nov. 3: Tenants must to answer the petition WITHIN 10 DAYS of when it was served.

If the petition was filed anytime BEFORE Nov. 3: Tenants must to answer the petition by Jan. 2, 2021, per a new Executive Order from Governor Cuomo.

If you received a petition: You can answer it by calling the courts at one of the numbers below or you can go to Housing Court in person. You should call the number associated with the borough where you received the petition.

Manhattan: 646-386-5505

Bronx: 718-466-3000

Brooklyn: 347-404-9201

Queens: 718-262-7300

Staten Island: 718-676-8455

For more information on the Eviction Moratorium and additional Housing Help resources, you can call:

In NYC, call Housing Court Answers, 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday: 212-962-4795 or 718-557-1379. HCA staff answering calls speak Spanish, English, and French. Interpreters through the LanguageLine are used for all other languages.

Statewide hotline: 833-503-0447, open 24/7. Referrals and information only, this line does not answer legal questions. This line will assist you in connecting to your local courts, clerks offices and other resources.

You can also read more Frequently Asked Questions and Answers here or here.

Rental/Emergency Assistance AND Ongoing Cash Assistance Benefits

You can apply for emergency assistance grants (also known as the One Shot Deal) as well as ongoing Cash Assistance through ACCESS HRA. To apply for Cash Assistance, you do not need to apply for an emergency grant, but questions are asked during the online application process in order to make sure that an emergency grant is not needed to ensure the financial security of you and your household. Therefore, every ACCESS HRA Cash Assistance application starts with a series of emergency indicator questions.

To apply for Cash Assistance or a one-time emergency grant (also known as the One Shot Deal), you will need to take the following steps to apply online:

  1. Visit ACCESS HRA and log-in

  2. Select the ‘Benefits’ link from the menu options on the homepage

  3. Select ‘Start a New Application’

  4. Select the ‘Cash Assistance’ option in the ‘Select Application’ page

  5. Identify any applicable emergency indicators and click ‘Next’

  6. Select the type of benefits would you would like to apply for. The three options are: Cash Assistance, One Shot Deal, or Child Care without Cash Assistance (CILOCA)

  7. Complete and submit application

  8. Follow instructions in the ACCESS HRA confirmation page and submit required documents using the ACCESS HRA Mobile App

If you have an active Cash Assistance case, you can submit a special grant request for rent or utility arrears via ACCESS HRA. To submit a Cash Assistance Special Grant Request, you will need to:

  1. Visit ACCESS HRA and log-in

  2. Enter identifying information to ‘Find My Case’ and link to your HRA case

  3. Select ‘View Case’ in the ACCESS HRA user home page

  4. Select ‘Request Special Grant,’ located on the left-hand side

  5. Identify the special grant you are requesting, complete the request and submit

  6. Follow instructions in confirmation and submit required documents using the ACCESS HRA Mobile App

ERAP Determinations for One-Shot Deal/Emergency Assistance Applications

In accordance with this State OTDA’s determination, as of Monday, November 15, 2021 an ERAP application and determination is no longer required to apply for a One-Shot Deal. Those who applied for ERAP before the portal closed on November 14, 2021 will need to provide proof of submission of an ERAP application and determination with an application for emergency assistance, in accordance with State requirements.

City FHEPS and Rental Assistance

City FHEPS is one of the programs that provides ongoing rental assistance. This is a benefit that is made available to clients who are in shelter or for some individuals facing eviction. More information about City FHEPS eligibility for community tenants can be found here and information on eligibility for households residing in shelter can be found here.

The Homebase program can help eligible clients facing eviction obtain rental assistance. Homebase locations are currently closed but are providing their services by phone. You can find the phone number for the Homebase location that serves your zip code here:

If you live in NYCHA Housing

NYCHA has postponed any termination actions or hearings for those who are behind in their rent.  You can also request an Interim Recertification if your income has decreased and will remain decreased for more than two (2) months or if you have lost your income entirely.  You can complete this recertification by going to the NYCHA Self-Service Portal. 

NYCHA’s journal has information about how they are responding to Coronavirus. There is this flyer for hardship reductions for NYCHA residents struggling to pay rent.

If you have a mortgage

Both the Federal government and the New York State government are working to establish relief programs for borrowers who are unable to pay their mortgage payments due to Coronavirus. 

The CARES Act provides that mortgage lenders and servicers will be allowed to provide up to 180 days of forbearance (payment deferral) on federally-backed loans for customers experiencing hardship related to the Coronavirus emergency.

Please contact your mortgage company directly to learn the most up to date information on the relief program.

The Department of Financial Services of New York State is requiring New York mortgage servicers to provide a 90 day relief to mortgage borrowers who have been impacted by the coronavirus. You can learn about your options as a mortgage borrower by going here:

Additional information and guidance on options you may have if you are facing financial hardship can be found through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau:

If you are facing foreclosure

There is a 60 day hold on all foreclosure proceedings following the signing of this act, starting December 28, 2020 due to the New York State COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act.

If you are experiencing hardship due to COVID-19 and a home owner, you may be protected from foreclosure proceedings until May 1, 2021. The protection from foreclosure proceedings has been extended through January 15, 2022. You must file a hardship declaration with your mortgage lender, other foreclosing party, or in a court. This protection is for homeowners and small landlords who own 10 or fewer residential buildings.

 A link to the template of the hardship declaration form is provided here.

The New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund

The New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (NYS HAF) is a federally funded program dedicated to assisting homeowners who are at risk of default, foreclosure or displacement as a result of financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund website has everything you need to know to get prepared for the launch of the application portal including a step-by-step guide, document checklist, and FAQs.

If you have any questions, please call the call center at 1-844-77-NYHAF (844-776-9423). The call center is open Monday through Friday from 9 am – 5 pm.

Please note that the NYS HAF program will not be accepting applications after February 18. Starting February 19, interested homeowners will be added to a waiting list. Please apply as soon as possible if you qualify.

Property Taxes – Property Tax and Interest Deferral (PT AID) program

If you are facing a hardship to pay your property taxes, you may be eligible for the Property Tax and Interest Deferral program which, if approved, will allow you to defer payment of your property taxes for a period of time.

If approved, you may be eligible to defer payment of property taxes for up to 25% of the equity you have in your family home or 50% of the equity of your condominium.

There are three options for deferment plans:

  • Low Income Seniors

  • Fixed Term Income Based

  • Extenuating Circumstances Income Based

For each program, the property must have been your primary residence for at least one year and must meet specific residential property criteria.  

Your federal adjusted gross income (AGI) must be $58,399 or less. 

For the Low Income Seniors plan, you must be 65 years of age or older.

To learn more about this program, the plans available, and for an application:

If you have Section 8

NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Section 8 voucher holders having trouble paying rent because of income loss should email [email protected] or by fax at 212-863-5299.

HPD will be suspending any subsidy termination actions until further notice. For more information click here:

Legal Questions

If you have legal questions regarding your housing (eviction, foreclosure, or any other housing related concern) we recommend that you contact the following organizations to get answers to your questions:  


NYLAG is providing phone consultations at 212-613-5000.

Met Council on Housing

Met Council on Housing Tenants Rights Hotline (English and Spanish) at 212-979-0611.

  • Open: Mondays & Wednesdays from 1:30pm – 8:00pm and Friday 1:30pm – 5:00pm.


Where can I receive a COVID vaccine?

New Yorkers ages 5 years and older can now get their COVID-19 vaccine without an appointment at select sites across NYC. Sites can be found here. New Yorkers are required to provide proof of age and residency in order to receive the vaccine. Additional information can be found here.

While walk-up vaccines are available at City operated vaccination sites, appointments can still be made by using

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children ages 5 to 11. The vaccine dose for this age group is smaller than the dose given to people 12 and older. The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized for people ages 18 and older.

What should I do before my vaccine appointment?

You will need to complete the NYS COVID-19 Vaccine Form (PDF) in order to get vaccinated. NYS requires the provider administering the vaccine to check that you completed the form.

Before you visit a site for your vaccination, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Reschedule your appointment if you are not feeling well on the day of your appointment.

  • Wear a face covering to your appointment. You will not be admitted to the site without one.

Walk-up COVID-19 Vaccinations for All New Yorkers

Click here for a list of Walk-up COVID-19 Vaccination sites by Borough vaccinating New Yorkers without an appointment.

You can also schedule an appointment for certain vaccination sites by calling 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692)

Second Dose COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments

Participating pharmacies are now offering a second COVID-19 vaccine to individuals who received the first vaccine elsewhere. Participating pharmacies are:

College Students

New York State is providing a new, separate allocation of 35,000 vaccines for the college student population at SUNY schools, CUNY schools, and private colleges. An initial allocation of 21,000 vaccines will be sent to SUNY and CUNY schools. An additional 14,000 vaccines will be available to private colleges that request them. SUNY and CUNY students can make appointments directly through their schools. More information is available here.

Vaccine at Home

New York City is offering in-home COVID-19 vaccinations to any City resident who requests one. Any New Yorker requesting in-home vaccination will now have the option to request their vaccine brand preference (Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson)

New Yorkers can call 877-829-4692 or sign up using the form here.

Third Dose for People Who Are Immunocompromised

People who who are moderately to severely immunocompromised (meaning they have a weakened immune system) are now eligible for a third dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

Third doses will be available at City-run sites starting on Monday, August 16. You can find more information here.

Vaccine Authorized for Children

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children ages 5 to 11. The vaccine dose for this age group is smaller than the dose given to people 12 and older.

Children can get vaccinated at their doctor’s office, pharmacies and vaccine sites across the city. You can find more information here.

Booster Shots

Vaccine booster shots are now available for many New Yorkers. They are intended to help people boost their immunity from the initial vaccination series. You can find more information here.

Vaccine booster shots are now authorized for everyone 12 and older who is fully vaccinated.

Free Transportation to Vaccine Appointments for Seniors

Individuals who are able to book a vaccination appointment and are 65 or older, cannot use public or private transportation, and do not have anyone to take them to their vaccination appointment can access free of charge transportation options provided by the City of New York:

  • Individuals who use Access-a-Ride, Medicaid-provided, or Medicare-provided transportation can schedule rides as they normally would.

  • Individuals who do not use Access-a-Ride, Medicaid-provided or Medicare-provided transportation, and are 65+, homebound or have a disability and require ambulette transportation can schedule a free ride to their vaccination site through Hunter (Ambulette): 718-991-2211.

  • Individuals 65 or older who do not qualify for any of the above services can schedule a free cab ride through Curbed at 646-349-0289.

 When scheduling transportation through these options, individuals should state that they are 65 or older, are going to be vaccinated in NYC, and that they understand that there is a contract with the City of New York for free transportation.

USPS Free At-Home COVID Tests

Residential households in the U.S. can order one set of 4 free at-home tests from Here’s what you need to know about your order:

  • Limit of one order per residential address

  • One order includes #4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests

  • Orders will ship free starting in late January

Oral Antiviral Treatment

NYC is now offering free, same-day home delivery of new anti-viral pills for treating COVID-19. NYC is offering both Paxlovid (Pfizer) & Molnupiravir (Merck) through its free home delivery program.

If you have symptoms and test positive, especially if you are high risk (65+ or immunocompromised), speak to your doctor about these treatments or call 212-COVID19. You can find additional information on these treatments here.


Are you having trouble paying your utility bills?

NYS Moratorium on Utility Terminations

The NYS moratorium on utility terminations states that no utility, water works, telephone company or municipality may discontinue utility, water or telephone service due to non-payment by any residential customer for the duration of the state emergency. Turn offs have been suspended through March 31, 2021. The moratorium has been extended for a period of 180 days after either the COVID-19 State of Emergency is lifted or December 31, 2021. Utility companies must instead offer these customers a deferred payment agreement without fees or penalties on any past-due balance. This legislation will expand to cable and broadband internet service providers and additionally make the moratorium protections available to small businesses.

Utility Arrears Emergency Assistance

The NYS Legislature has extended the moratorium on the termination of utility services for nonpayment until December 31, 2021, or for a period of 180 days after the COVID-19 state of emergency is lifted, whichever is later, for New Yorkers who have experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19. The previous moratorium had been set to expire on March 31, 2021. The new legislation further extends these protections to certain small businesses with less than 25 employees, and additionally prevents the termination of cable television and broadband internet services. As a reminder, New Yorkers can apply for an emergency assistance grant (one shot deal) to help pay utility expenses owed.

Center for NYC Neighborhoods Utility Assistance

If you are unable to pay your utilities, you can still receive assistance. Contact CNYCN at (646) 760-4030 or [email protected].

National Grid

National Grid has stopped overdue bill collection and service turn off activities. So even if you do not pay your National Grid bill your service will not be turned off for at least one year. For more information you can go to:

Con Edison

Con Edison has also stopped overdue bill collection and service turn off activities. Your ConEd service will not be turned off for non-payment of a bill. Con Edison has not announced a date when they will begin turn offs of service again. For more information you can go to:

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

HEAP, which helps eligible households meet their home energy needs in the winter season, is accepting applications as of November 2nd for households in need of financial assistance to pay for money for fuel, utility expenses, equipment and/or repairs. You can learn more about this benefit and if you are eligible to apply, by going to:

Qualifications for HEAP assistance include:

  • Your household received a HEAP benefit during the current program year

  • You are currently receiving Temporary Assistance or SNAP benefits through HRA.

The date of operation for the Regular and Emergency HEAP benefit will be extended from March 15 to April 30, 2021 and a second HEAP Emergency benefit for heat and heat-related emergencies will be available as of March 8, 2021.  Households can now apply for a third emergency HEAP benefit, even if they have already received a HEAP benefit this season. The deadline for HEAP applications has been extended from April 30 until August 31, 2021, or until funds allocated to this program have been exhausted.

New applicants for HEAP benefits who are experiencing a crisis or life-threatening emergency must be evaluated for an Emergency HEAP benefits.  If eligible, the household may receive an emergency heat and/or heat-related benefit concurrently with the regular HEAP benefit.

Please note that funds are limited and you can call (212) 331-3126 for more information.

Home Energy Assistance (HEAP) Cooling Assistance Component

The HEAP Cooling Assistance Component (CAC) will open on Monday, May 3, 2021. Click here for more information.

 Applications for the 2021 HEAP Cooling Assistance Component (CAC) will be accepted starting on Monday, May 3, 2021. Benefits will be provided on a first come, first served basis to eligible applicants through Tuesday, August 31, 2021, or until funding allocated to this component is exhausted.

As a reminder, to be eligible for a CAC benefit, the applicant or a household member must have a documented medical condition that is exacerbated by extreme heat. Requirements for medical documentation for CAC may be waived for applicants who are unable to obtain such documentation due to COVID-19. Additionally, the applicant household must not have a working air conditioner newer than five years old, or must not have received a HEAP-funded air conditioner within the past five years.

HRA Locations Reopening

The HRA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Job Center, and Medicaid locations, which had consolidated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to protect clients and staff, will begin reopening to offer service to clients starting in mid-July. Masks will be required in all locations, and self-service drop boxes for completed Cash Assistance (CA), SNAP and HEAP applications will be available at all CA and SNAP sites, in addition to the self-service PC banks and scanners available at the majority HRA SNAP and Job Centers.

Medicaid applications from individuals age 65 and older or who have a disability can be dropped off in marked drop boxes at Medical Assistance Program “MAP” (formerly known as Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration or MICSA) locations and may also be faxed to 917-639-0732.

HRA’s Medicaid clients who have questions about their case or their Medicaid card or who wish to report case changes, such as change of address, can call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116. Pursuant to a federal waiver, Medicaid easements allowing for applicant attestation of all elements of eligibility except identity and immigration status are in place until the end of the year and Medicaid renewals due between now and September 30, 2021 will automatically be renewed.

Please see the re-opening schedule outlined below:


4055 10th Avenue, Manhattan

Client Reopening Date*: July 12, 2021


1365 Jerome Avenue, Bronx

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


275 Bergen Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


219 Beach 59th Street, Queens

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021


2 George Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

East New York, FSCC Satellite

404 Pine Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

*Please note that as HRA teams continue to implement the reopening plan, any changes will be immediately communicated.

CA and SNAP clients whose Center has not yet opened for client-facing services and who are unable to transact with the agency using remote online options such as ACCESS HRA can utilize the Centers that have remained open throughout the course of the pandemic to serve clients in person or call Infoline at (718) 557-1339 to find other ways they can apply, including a telephone submission. Up-to-date information on the opening status of HRA Centers, along with maps and opening hours, is displayed on the HRA Locations page on the website. Clients can apply for SNAP or CA online anytime via ACCESS HRA without having to visit an office location in person. Clients age 65 and older or who have a disability may call HRA’s Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116 to request a Medicaid application. All other clients should apply for Medicaid through the New York State of Health available at or by calling 1-855-355-5777.

Do you need to take time away from your job to care for yourself or a relative affected by Coronavirus?

In response to Coronavirus, New York State is guaranteeing workers job protection and financial compensation if you or your minor, dependent child are required to self-isolate and quarantine through an order from either the state of NY, the Department of Health, a local board of health, or any other government organization that has the authorization to require you to do so.  

To learn more, if you are required to quarantine because of yourself:

To learn more, if you are required to quarantine because of your minor, dependent child:

To learn more, if you are required to care for a family member who contracts Coronavirus:


Do you believe an employer is violating either existing labor laws or recently issued executive orders by the Governor?

Please contact 311, the Attorney General’s office at (212) 416-8700 or via email at [email protected] to report any labor law issues.

Monitor for ongoing updates about workplace laws as NYC seeks to stop the spread of Coronavirus.


Do you need access to health insurance benefits?

All New York health insurers have been directed to waive cost-sharing expenses associated with testing for coronavirus including emergency room, urgent care, telehealth, and office visits. New Yorkers receiving Medicaid coverage will not be expected to pay a co-pay for any testing related to Coronavirus.

Federal Health Coverage Provisions

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed on March 12, 2021 and contains several health care provisions.

  • COBRA payments will be covered in full by the government from April 1st through September 30th.

    • People who leave a job voluntarily are not eligible.

    • People who qualify for new, employer-based health insurance before September 30th would lose eligibility for the no-cost coverage.

  • Lowers the cost of health insurance via a government exchange.

    • Caps premiums for government exchange plans at 8.5% of adjusted gross income.

    • Will begin immediately and last through 2022.

    • Individuals will not have to re-enroll to access the lower prices.

  • Open enrollment period still open through May 15th.

  • If an employer allows, an individual can set aside $10,500 in a dependent care flexible spending account for 2021 (up from the usual $5000).

  • Eliminates premiums for those collecting unemployment benefits in 2021.

New York State Official Health Plan Marketplace

The New Special Enrollment Period has been extended through May 15, 2021 for purchasing insurance coverage through the NY State of Health. If you lost your job-based coverage or if you’re uninsured, enroll today. New Yorkers must apply within 60 days of losing coverage.

There is rolling open enrollment for MAGI Medicaid. Consumers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health on-line at, by phone at 855-355-5777, and by working with enrollment navigators.

For free enrollment assistance, call 311 or visit

An individual’s coverage start date will vary based on enrollment date as follows: 

  • Enroll by February 15: Coverage starts March 1

  • Enroll March 15: Coverage starts April 1

  • Enroll by March 31: Coverage starts May 1

More information, fact sheets, and FAQ in various languages can be found on the New York State of Health website. New Yorkers who are eligible for Medicaid, Essential Plan, and Child Health Plus can continue to enroll year-round. 

New York State Medicaid

Medicaid cases with authorization ending in July, August, September, October, November and December 2020 and January, February, March, April, May and June 2021 will be automatically extended for 12 months.

If you are a household of 3 with dependent children, and your Modified Adjusted Gross Income Level is $2,453 or less, your household may be eligible for Medicaid through New York State.

For a household of 3 who has members who are disabled, receive SSI, or are over the age of 65, the income guideline for Non Adjusted Gross Income Level is $1,476 per month. If your household income is this amount or less, your household may also be eligible for Medicaid.

These income guidelines are current to date and will be adjusted as Federal Poverty Limit Guidelines are updated in the coming months. Please review the following for additional income guideline information:

Call the Human Resources Administration Medicaid Helpline for additional information at 888-692-6116.

In addition, you can contact Single Stop’s team of Health Care Navigators at  800-290-7181  (Single Stop’s Health Care Hotline).

In New York City, all active Medicaid cases will be extended. No Medicaid case will be closed for failure to renew or failure to provide documentation. The State has determined that any case that is closed for failure to renew or failure to provide documentation that had Medicaid coverage on or after March 18, 2020 will be re-opened with coverage restored to ensure no gap in coverage. Renewals will be extended for 12 months.

Former SSI recipients and any discontinued Temporary Assistance/Medicaid cases that require a separate Medicaid eligibility determination will have Medicaid coverage extended. No renewal is required to be sent at this time and no redeterminations are required at this time.

During the COVID-19 Emergency, New York City residents who are age 65 or over; living with a disability or blindness; in receipt of Medicare and are not a parent or caretaker relative of minor children; or are young adults under age 26 who were formerly in foster care are able to submit a Medicaid application via fax to 917-639-0732.

All other applicants not in the categories listed above may submit an application via the NY State of Health at or by calling 855-355-5777.

HRA Locations Reopening

The HRA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Job Center, and Medicaid locations, which had consolidated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to protect clients and staff, will begin reopening to offer service to clients starting in mid-July. Masks will be required in all locations, and self-service drop boxes for completed Cash Assistance (CA), SNAP and HEAP applications will be available at all CA and SNAP sites, in addition to the self-service PC banks and scanners available at the majority HRA SNAP and Job Centers.

Medicaid applications from individuals age 65 and older or who have a disability can be dropped off in marked drop boxes at Medical Assistance Program “MAP” (formerly known as Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration or MICSA) locations and may also be faxed to 917-639-0732.

HRA’s Medicaid clients who have questions about their case or their Medicaid card or who wish to report case changes, such as change of address, can call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116. Pursuant to a federal waiver, Medicaid easements allowing for applicant attestation of all elements of eligibility except identity and immigration status are in place until the end of the year and Medicaid renewals due between now and September 30, 2021 will automatically be renewed.

Please see the re-opening schedule outlined below:


4055 10th Avenue, Manhattan

Client Reopening Date*: July 12, 2021


1365 Jerome Avenue, Bronx

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


275 Bergen Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


219 Beach 59th Street, Queens

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021


2 George Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

East New York, FSCC Satellite

404 Pine Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

*Please note that as HRA teams continue to implement the reopening plan, any changes will be immediately communicated.

CA and SNAP clients whose Center has not yet opened for client-facing services and who are unable to transact with the agency using remote online options such as ACCESS HRA can utilize the Centers that have remained open throughout the course of the pandemic to serve clients in person or call Infoline at (718) 557-1339 to find other ways they can apply, including a telephone submission. Up-to-date information on the opening status of HRA Centers, along with maps and opening hours, is displayed on the HRA Locations page on the website. Clients can apply for SNAP or CA online anytime via ACCESS HRA without having to visit an office location in person. Clients age 65 and older or who have a disability may call HRA’s Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116 to request a Medicaid application. All other clients should apply for Medicaid through the New York State of Health available at or by calling 1-855-355-5777.

NYC Care

NYC Care is a program to help you access health care services for either a low cost or no cost through the NYC Health+Hospitals if you do not qualify for or not are able to pay for health insurance, based on federal guidelines.  NYC Cares will help you access medical care and services through the MetroPlusHealth Plan for New Yorkers.  To be eligible, you must also have lived in NYC for a minimum of six months prior to applying. 

You can learn more about this program by going to: or by calling 646-NYC-CARE.


If you have recently lost your job and your employer has more than 20 employees, you may be eligible for COBRA which would allow you to temporarily keep the health insurance you had through your previous employer. You can keep this same insurance for up to 18 months, however, it is often at a higher premium than you were paying through your employment. Please contact the HR Department at your previous employer for more information about applying for COBRA.

Post-COVID Care Clinics

Some COVID-19 patients continue to experience health issues for weeks or months after their initial illness, including persistent fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, muscle, joint, or chest pain and other symptoms. Several New York City (NYC) hospitals have established specialized post-COVID care clinics to provide follow-up care to patients following hospital discharge and to serve patients who had less severe illness but have lingering health effects from COVID-19. Learn more and access the list of Post-COVID Care Clinics here


Do you need assistance with filing your Federal and State Taxes?

The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced that the federal income tax filing due date for individuals for the 2020 tax year will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021, to May 17, 2021. The New York State tax filing deadline has been extended to May 17 as well.

Federal Stimulus Recovery Rebate Credit

Individuals who did not receive a first or second stimulus payment and think they may be eligible, or did not receive the full payment amount, are able to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit when filing a 2020 federal tax return. 

Child Tax Credit

This expansion of the child tax credit will impact your household when you file your 2021 taxes. It will not impact your filing of your 2020 tax returns. 

This credit offers a child tax credit of $3,600 for children, ages newborn through 5 years old and a $3,000 tax credit for children ages 6 through 17 years old.

Parents are eligible for these full credits, per child, if their adjusted gross income less than $75,000 as a single parent and filer or if adjusted gross income is less than $150,000 for parents who are married and filing a joint tax return. For parents with income above these amounts, the credit is reduced to $2,000 per child. If a single parent has an adjusted gross income of $200,000 or parents who are married and filing a joint tax return have an adjusted gross income of $400,000, the credit will not apply.

Families do not need to wait to file 2021 taxes to receive these credits. It is expected that in the second half of 2021, eligible households will be able to get checks of up to $300 per child, per month through this credit.

Advance Child Tax Credit

To help families during COVID, the U.S. government made changes to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Families can get half of the fully refundable credit—worth up to $3,600 per child—as monthly payments in 2021 and the other half as a refund in 2022. Child Tax Credit payments begin July 15, 2021.


You could be eligible if you have a child who meets the following criteria:

  • Will be under the age of 18 by the end of 2021

  • Has lived with you for over half the year

  • Has a Social Security Number (Only the child needs a social security number, the parent or caregiver does not)

You could be eligible even if you:

  • Didn’t earn any income or owe taxes in 2020

  • Don’t usually file taxes or haven’t for the past few years

  • Don’t have a social security number

  • Are currently experiencing homelessness

  • Are currently incarcerated

A permanent address is not required to receive a payment. Individuals can have their CTC advance payments mailed to the address of a friend, relative, or trusted service provider, such as a shelter, drop-in day center or transitional housing program. For families unable to choose direct deposit, a check or debit card for the credit can be mailed to this address.

You are eligible for the full CTC amount if your adjusted gross income (AGI) on your latest tax return is:

  • $75,000 or less for single filers or married couples filing separately

  • $112,500 or less for heads of household

  • $150,000 or less for married couples filing a joint return and qualifying widows or widowers

Payments will begin to phase out for incomes above those AGI amounts.

CTC Amount

Families claiming the CTC for tax year 2021 will receive up to:

  • $3,600 per qualifying child who will be under the age of 6 by the end of 2021

  • $3,000 per qualifying child who will be between the ages of 6 and 17 by the end of 2021

You can find more information on Advance Child Tax Credit Payments here.

You can also call Met Council’s free Tax Prep Program at the numbers below for assistance.

  • Anna Zaichik | VITA Program Coordinator, Benefits Access | W: (347) 482-4167 | email: [email protected]

  • Krystle Johnson| VITA Site Coordinator at JCCMP | W: (347)729-4793 | email: [email protected]

Met Council’s Free Tax Prep Program

If you earned $64,000 or less with dependents or $45,000 or less without dependents, you can also make a virtual appointment to file for free and keep your whole refund with one of Met Council’s Free Tax Prep Program filers for virtual tax filing services.

Make a virtual appointment today to file for free and get important tax credits such as Earned Income Tax Credits.

For those who need assistance filing their taxes, please contact one of Met Council’s Free Tax Prep Program filers below:

  • Anna Zaichik | VITA Program Coordinator, Benefits Access | W: (347) 482-4167 | email: [email protected]

  • Krystle Johnson| VITA Site Coordinator at JCCMP | W: (347)729-4793 | email: [email protected]

Free Online Tax Filing Resources

IRS Free File

Prepare and file your federal income tax return for free using tax preparation and filing software through IRS Free File.

  • Free File Online Products are available for those with incomes of $69,000 and below.

  • Free File Fillable Forms are available for those with incomes above $69,000.

Turbo Tax

You can file both your federal and state taxes for free online with Turbo Tax (income restrictions apply).

My Free Taxes

You can file both your federal and state taxes for free online with My Free Taxes a United Way’s partnership with H&R Block (income restrictions apply).

New York City Tax Filing Resources

The Department of Social Services/Human Resources Administration (DSS/HRA) is partnering with the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) to help working individuals and families learn about and claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in order to reach more eligible New Yorkers. The EITC provides critical supports for workers earning low to moderate wages. Eligible individuals claim, on average, $2,400 in tax credits which can put working New Yorkers on the path to securing better housing, obtaining dependable transportation, paying for quality childcare, or pursuing higher education.

The IRS estimates that one in five eligible workers nationally do not claim the EITC, missing out on millions of dollars they have earned. We want to make sure our potentially eligible clients do not miss out on thousands of dollars every year because they are not aware of the EITC. Our goal is to reach out to potentially qualifying working clients, educate them about the credit, and encourage them to file and claim it. This includes workers who: 

  • Are self-employed or have income from a farm or business

  • Have a disability

  • Have no qualifying child

  • Are not proficient in English

  • Are older (e.g., grandparents)

  • Have no tax filing requirement

  • Are recently divorced, have reduced income, are recently unemployed, or are experiencing other changes to their marital, financial, or parental status

DCWP is offering free tax prep services, and IRS certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance/Tax Counseling for the Elderly (VITA/TCE) through which knowledgeable volunteer preparers will help individuals complete an accurate tax return. New Yorkers can visit NYC Free Tax Prep ( for more information on how to file taxes for free or call 311 and ask for tax preparation assistance. Individuals can also learn about other tax credits they may be eligible to claim. You can choose the way that works for your constituents:

  • Virtual Tax Prep — In-Person Tax Prep but online.

  • Assisted Self-Prep – Clients can do their own taxes online using free filing software but phone or email a volunteer for help.

  • Drop-off Service – Clients can drop off their tax documents and pick up the completed return later.

  • In-Person Tax Prep — Sit down with a volunteer preparer. Find a location at

Taxes must be filed by April 15th to claim the EITC.


Do you need free internet resources?

Federal Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, included in the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, helps to lower the cost of high-speed internet and computers/tablets for eligible low-income households during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Starting May 12, 2021 qualified New York City residents may be eligible to receive a temporary discount for current or new monthly internet service subscriptions. Funds will be allocated to qualifying households on a first-come, first-serve basis for as long as funds last. 

Eligible New York City residents can receive: 

  • Monthly Benefit: a discount of up to $50/month for broadband service, equipment, and device rentals

  • One-time Device Discount: up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of $10 – $50), where available

A household is eligible if one member of the household:

  • Has income at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines, OR

  • Has experienced a substantial loss of income due to job loss or furlough since February 29, 2020 and your household income in 2020 was the same or less than $99,000 for single filers or $198,000 for joint filers, OR

  • Participates in any ONE of these government benefit programs:

    • Lifeline

    • Free and Reduced Price School Lunch or Breakfast (2019-20 or 2020-21 school year)

    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

    • Medicaid

    • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)

    • Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit

    • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

    • Federal Pell Grant (current award year)

The Emergency Broadband Benefit is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household. The main application page where households should be directed to check eligibility and apply is here.

For more information or to sign up to receive updates, click here and visit the FCC website. You may also visit the USAC website or call 833-511-0311.


Charter is offering free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access  for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription. New student households do not have to pay installation fees. To enroll, call Spectrum at 844-488-8395.

Xfinity WiFi

Until further notice, all Xfinity WiFi Public Hotspots are now open to everyone on the “xfinitywifi” SSID. 

  • Public hotspots can be found in small/medium businesses and outdoors in commercial areas. 

  • Non-Xfinity subscribers need to accept Terms and Conditions to access the network and repeat when requested to continue to receive free unlimited access. 

  • Find a WiFi Public HotSpot on this map and learn more from Xfinity WiFi by going to:

Keep Americans Connected Initiative

Through the Federal Communications Commission’s Keep Americans Connected Initiative, many telephone and internet companies have pledged not to cancel service to residential or small business customers who are unable to pay their monthly bill due to the coronavirus. Late fees have also been waived for customers who have been impacted.

To see the full list of companies that have signed this pledge, including AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon, and many more:


Are you feeling stressed or anxious due to the Coronavirus pandemic?

NYC Well

There are free mental health services available by NYC Well by calling 888-NYC-Well (available 24/7) or by texting WELL to 65173. You can chat with someone online also by going here:

NYS OMH Emotional Support Line

The NYS OMH Emotion Support Line also provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety due to the Coronavirus emergency. The Help Line is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals, who have received training in crisis counseling. Please call 844-863-9314 or visit the website here:

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-NYC)

NAMI-NYC is providing a variety of support resources to help you or a loved one with general or Coronavirus related mental health concerns. Call the Helpline from 10 am to 6 pm at 212-684-3264 or email [email protected]. They are also offering weekday support groups by phone and video.


New York State is partnering with Headspace to provide New Yorkers free meditation and mindfulness content as a mental health resource.


Are you facing financial challenges requiring a loan?

Hebrew Free Loan

The Coronavirus Financial Impact Loan  Program provides interest-free loans of up to $7,500 to residents of New York City’s five boroughs, Westchester, or Long Island who are facing financial challenges caused by the Coronavirus outbreak. More information can be found here:

New York Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF)

This new fund is designed to support small businesses, nonprofits and small landlords as they reopen in the coming weeks, as able, for expense that may be incurred due to increased guidelines that need to be followed for reopening as listed in the New Forward Plan.

Pre-application for the New York Forward Loan Fund will be open on May 26, 2020 at 12pm and applications will begin to be reviewed starting June 1, 2020.

Priority will be given to applications of small businesses that have reopened, however applications are reviewed on an on-going basis as businesses continue to open in the coming weeks. This is not a first come, first serve application process.

Additional eligibility criteria is:

  • Small businesses and nonprofits must employ 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;

  • Small businesses must have gross revenues of less than $3 million per year;

  • Nonprofits must provide direct services and have an annual operating budget of less than $3 million per year; and

  • Have not received a loan from either SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) or COVID-19 in 2020.

Additional information about what is covered through the loan and how to apply can be found here:

You can begin to apply and learn additional information also by going here:


Do you need assistance with medical or student debt owed to New York State?

In response to growing financial impairments resulting from the spread of Coronavirus, the OAG will temporarily halt the collection of medical and student debts that are owed to the State of New York and that have been referred to the OAG for collection, for at least a 30-day period, from March 16, 2020 through at least April 15, 2020. After this 30-day period, the OAG will reassess the needs of state residents for a possible extension.

New Yorkers with non-medical or non-student debt owed to the State of New York and referred to the OAG, may also apply to temporarily halt the collection of state debt.

Please call the OAG hotline at 800-771-7755 or go to the following website for additional information


Do you need assistance finding a job?

Virtual Workforce1 Career Center System from the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS)

The NYC SBS prepares and helps New Yorkers to find jobs. Free services offered at the network of Workforce1 Career Centers throughout the five boroughs include job listings, recruitment events, job search resources, veterans’ services, resume and interview workshops, and training.

Due to Coronavirus, all Workforce1 Centers are closed until further notice. The Virtual Workforce1 Career Center System can connect you via web or phone to one-on-one help from professionals who can help you:

  • Identify jobs that are a fit for your experience and skills

  • Prepare for interviews

  • Access free training

Call (718) 960-2458 or Click here to connect:

All services are no-cost and do not require in-person visits.

Educational Alliance

Educational Alliance is offering one-on-one counseling to assist with resume writing, interview preparation, job applications, research tools and more especially those whose job has been affected by Coronavirus. For help, email a Counselor at [email protected].

National Retail Federation

While many retailers have been forced to make cuts to their workforce due to the Coronavirus pandemic, other retail companies are hiring thousands of workers. Find opportunities here:

NYC Food Delivery Driver Portal

NYC is recruiting TLC-licensed drivers through DeliveryTLC to help with work related to the Coronavirus pandemic, such as delivering food to older adults. This work will be paid $15/hour plus reimbursement for gas and tolls. Drivers will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. The initial need for drivers will be small, but is expected to increase as NYC expands its programs.

Paying Family Caregivers through Medicaid Programs – Webinar May 21, 2021

As we shared last week, the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) is hosting a webinar about Paying Family Caregivers through Medicaid. Programs that can pay family members for providing care can help support home and community-based care for Medicaid enrollees and help states address the demand for long-term services and supports. The webinar is on Friday, May 21 from 3:00pm – 4:00pm. Register and learn more here.

HRA Locations Reopening

The HRA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Job Center, and Medicaid locations, which had consolidated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to protect clients and staff, will begin reopening to offer service to clients starting in mid-July. Masks will be required in all locations, and self-service drop boxes for completed Cash Assistance (CA), SNAP and HEAP applications will be available at all CA and SNAP sites, in addition to the self-service PC banks and scanners available at the majority HRA SNAP and Job Centers.

Medicaid applications from individuals age 65 and older or who have a disability can be dropped off in marked drop boxes at Medical Assistance Program “MAP” (formerly known as Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration or MICSA) locations and may also be faxed to 917-639-0732.

HRA’s Medicaid clients who have questions about their case or their Medicaid card or who wish to report case changes, such as change of address, can call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116. Pursuant to a federal waiver, Medicaid easements allowing for applicant attestation of all elements of eligibility except identity and immigration status are in place until the end of the year and Medicaid renewals due between now and September 30, 2021 will automatically be renewed.

Please see the re-opening schedule outlined below:


4055 10th Avenue, Manhattan

Client Reopening Date*: July 12, 2021


1365 Jerome Avenue, Bronx

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


275 Bergen Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


219 Beach 59th Street, Queens

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021


2 George Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

East New York, FSCC Satellite

404 Pine Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

*Please note that as HRA teams continue to implement the reopening plan, any changes will be immediately communicated.

CA and SNAP clients whose Center has not yet opened for client-facing services and who are unable to transact with the agency using remote online options such as ACCESS HRA can utilize the Centers that have remained open throughout the course of the pandemic to serve clients in person or call Infoline at (718) 557-1339 to find other ways they can apply, including a telephone submission. Up-to-date information on the opening status of HRA Centers, along with maps and opening hours, is displayed on the HRA Locations page on the website. Clients can apply for SNAP or CA online anytime via ACCESS HRA without having to visit an office location in person. Clients age 65 and older or who have a disability may call HRA’s Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116 to request a Medicaid application. All other clients should apply for Medicaid through the New York State of Health available at or by calling 1-855-355-5777.



How can I receive a PPP loan for my business from the SBA?

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) provides loans to help businesses keep their workforce employed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. SBA is currently offering:

The new PPP deadline for applying for both loans is March 31, 2021. Congress voted to extend the window to apply for the Paycheck Protection Program an additional 60 days, now through May 31st.

PPP First Draw Loans

SBA is reopening the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for First Draw Loans the week of January 11, 2021. First Draw PPP Loans can be used to help fund payroll costs, including benefits. Funds can also be used to pay for mortgage interest, rent, utilities, worker protection costs related to COVID-19, uninsured property damage costs caused by looting or vandalism during 2020, and certain supplier costs and expenses for operations.

Eligible small entities, that together with their affiliates (if applicable), have 500 or fewer employees—including nonprofits, veterans organizations, tribal concerns, self-employed individuals, sole proprietorships, and independent contractors—can apply. Entities with more than 500 employees in certain industries that meet SBA’s alternative size standard or SBA’s size standards for those particular industries can also apply.

Existing PPP borrowers that did not receive loan forgiveness by December 27, 2020 may:

  • Reapply for a First Draw PPP Loan if they previously returned some or all of their First Draw PPP Loan funds, or

  • Under certain circumstances, request to modify their First Draw PPP Loan amount if they previously did not accept the full amount for which they are eligible.

PPP Second Draw Loans

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) now allows certain eligible borrowers that previously received a PPP loan to apply for a Second Draw PPP Loan with the same general loan terms as their First Draw PPP Loan. Second Draw PPP Loans can be used to help fund payroll costs, including benefits. Funds can also be used to pay for mortgage interest, rent, utilities, worker protection costs related to COVID-19, uninsured property damage costs caused by looting or vandalism during 2020, and certain supplier costs and expenses for operations.

A borrower is generally eligible for a Second Draw PPP Loan if the borrower: 

  • Previously received a First Draw PPP Loan and will or has used the full amount only for authorized uses

  • Has no more than 300 employees; and

  • Can demonstrate at least a 25% reduction in gross receipts between comparable quarters in 2019 and 2020.

Additional Second PPP Second Draw Loan Items:

  • Additional Loans Cannot Exceed $2 Million Per Borrower

  • There is a 90 Day Wait Between Loans

  • Calculation of Payroll: For most borrowers, the maximum loan amount of a Second Draw PPP Loan is 2.5x average monthly 2019 or 2020 payroll costs up to $2 million. For borrowers in the Accommodation and Food Services sector (use NAICS 72 to confirm), the maximum loan amount for a Second Draw PPP Loan is 3.5x average monthly 2019 or 2020 payroll costs up to $2 million.

  • Expense Ratio: borrowers can seek forgiveness for payroll and other costs at a 60% payroll to 40% other expenses ratio (but now with the new expense categories described above available to them).

You can apply through any existing SBA 7(a) lender or through any federally insured depository institution, federally insured credit union, eligible non-bank lender, or Farm Credit System institution that is participating in PPP. All new First Draw PPP Loans will have the same terms regardless of lender or borrower. A list of participating lenders as well as additional information and full terms can be found HERE.


Are you having trouble paying your federal student loans?

The Federal CARES act was signed into law on March 27, 2020 and provides automatic payment suspensions for any student loan held by the federal government until September 30, 2020. Student loan relief has been extended through May 1, 2022. All borrowers with federally held student loans will have their payments automatically suspended until May 1, 2022 without penalty. Direct loans from the past 10 years from the federal government are eligible. Interest shall not accrue on the loan during the suspension period. In addition, you can keep paying down your principal if you want. Note that for applicants qualifying for the public service loan forgiveness program, any federal student loan payments that you skip between now and May 1, 2022 will count toward the 120 required payments.

There is an extension of the federal student loan administrative forbearance period, the pause in interest accrual, and the suspension of collections activity through May 1, 2022. Federal student loan borrowers will not be expected to make payments through May of next year, though they will continue to be able to do so and benefit from the 0% interest rate as they pay down principal. Non-payments will continue to count toward the number of payments required under an income-driven repayment plan, a loan rehabilitation agreement, or the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

Older Federal Family Educational Loans (F.F.E.L.) that the U.S. Department of Education does not own are NOT eligible, nor are Perkins loans, loans from state agencies, or loans from private lenders like Discover, Sallie Mae and Wells Fargo.

Check your online account to see if the servicer has reset its billing systems to show that no payment is due. Within a few weeks, expect to receive a notice from your loan servicer regarding the status of your direct federal loans. Contact your loan servicer for additional information.

Debt that is forgiven between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2025 will not be considered taxable income. This includes debt that is forgiven under income-driven repayment plans, schools that defrauded borrowers, and any debt that is forgiven by the federal government during that time frame.


Do you need access to your retirement savings account?

As part of the CARE Act, the federal government is waiving penalties and making other accommodations for those who need to access retirement savings early.

You can withdraw up to $100,000 this year without the usual 10 percent penalty, as long as it is because of the Coronavirus outbreak. You will also be able to spread out any income taxes that you owe over three (3) years from the date you took the distribution. You can put the money back into the account before those three (3) years are up, even though the rules may normally keep you from making a contribution that large.

This exception applies only to Coronavirus related withdrawals. You qualify if you tested positive, a spouse or dependent did or if you experienced a variety of other negative economic consequences related to the pandemic. Employers can allow workers to self-certify that they are qualified to pull money from a workplace retirement account.

Additionally, if you need to borrow from a 401(k) or other workplace retirement plan, you can take out twice the usual amount for 180 days after March 27, 2020. You must provide certification that you’ve been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic and you will be able to take out a loan of up to $100,000.

If you already have a loan and were supposed to finish repaying it before December 31, 2020 you get an extra year.


Do you need help with temporary cash assistance?

Temporary Assistance (TA) is temporary help for needy men, women and children. If you are unable to work, can’t find a job, or your job does not pay enough, TA may be able to help you pay for your expenses. Family Assistance is available to families that have a minor child living in the home or a caretaker relative. If eligible, you may be able to receive this assistance up to 60 months in your lifetime. If you received this assistance in another state, those months will be counted towards the total 60 months limit. Safety Net Assistance provides cash assistance to eligible needy individuals and families who are not eligible for Family Assistance.

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of New York, have no or low income, be either pregnant or responsible for a child under 18 years of age or under 19 years of age and the child regularly attends secondary school, a U.S. national, citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident. Adults who are determined to be able to work will need to comply with program work requirements to continue to receive this assistance.

For more information you may call the New York State Temporary Assistance hotline at 800-342-3009 or visit this website to check if you qualify for assistance.

HRA Locations Reopening

The HRA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Job Center, and Medicaid locations, which had consolidated during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to protect clients and staff, will begin reopening to offer service to clients starting in mid-July. Masks will be required in all locations, and self-service drop boxes for completed Cash Assistance (CA), SNAP and HEAP applications will be available at all CA and SNAP sites, in addition to the self-service PC banks and scanners available at the majority HRA SNAP and Job Centers.

Medicaid applications from individuals age 65 and older or who have a disability can be dropped off in marked drop boxes at Medical Assistance Program “MAP” (formerly known as Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration or MICSA) locations and may also be faxed to 917-639-0732.

HRA’s Medicaid clients who have questions about their case or their Medicaid card or who wish to report case changes, such as change of address, can call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116. Pursuant to a federal waiver, Medicaid easements allowing for applicant attestation of all elements of eligibility except identity and immigration status are in place until the end of the year and Medicaid renewals due between now and September 30, 2021 will automatically be renewed.

Please see the re-opening schedule outlined below:


4055 10th Avenue, Manhattan

Client Reopening Date*: July 12, 2021


1365 Jerome Avenue, Bronx

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


275 Bergen Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 19, 2021


219 Beach 59th Street, Queens

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021


2 George Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

East New York, FSCC Satellite

404 Pine Street, Brooklyn

Client Reopening Date*: July 26, 2021

*Please note that as HRA teams continue to implement the reopening plan, any changes will be immediately communicated.

CA and SNAP clients whose Center has not yet opened for client-facing services and who are unable to transact with the agency using remote online options such as ACCESS HRA can utilize the Centers that have remained open throughout the course of the pandemic to serve clients in person or call Infoline at (718) 557-1339 to find other ways they can apply, including a telephone submission. Up-to-date information on the opening status of HRA Centers, along with maps and opening hours, is displayed on the HRA Locations page on the website. Clients can apply for SNAP or CA online anytime via ACCESS HRA without having to visit an office location in person. Clients age 65 and older or who have a disability may call HRA’s Medicaid Helpline at 1-888-692-6116 to request a Medicaid application. All other clients should apply for Medicaid through the New York State of Health available at or by calling 1-855-355-5777.


Do you need assistance with family violence services due to the Coronavirus quarantine?

New York City Resources

Although the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) made the difficult decision to temporarily close the NYC Family Justice Centers, their services remain available from by phone to provide vital services for survivors, including legal consultations, counseling sessions, safety planning, case management, and more. For assistance on nights or weekends, survivors can call the City’s 24-hour DV Hotline at 800-621-4673 or visit to get connected to resources. DV shelters are still accepting new intakes. For more information, please see the letter from Commissioner Cecile Noel here.

Met Council

Met Council is a leader in addressing the needs of domestic violence victims in New York City. We assist survivors of intimate partner abuse, family abuse, and sex trafficking with a variety of services that create safety, support healing, and promote self-sufficiency.

  • To speak to a specialist, please call 212-453-9618 or email [email protected].

  • Text our secure texting platform available here

Safe Horizon

Safe Horizon is also providing support to domestic violence survivors through virtual and telephonic services. Hotline advocates are trained to safety plan with survivors and are available 24/7 to provide help.

  • Call the 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-621-HOPE (4673)

  • Call the 24/7 Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline: 212-227-3000

  • Chat with an advocate: visit

NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence

TEXT at 844.997.2121 CALL at 800.942.6906 Chat available:


Are you in need of senior services?

Senior Center Meals

To prevent the spread of Coronavirus, senior centers are currently closed for congregate programming and meals are being provided through a centralized meal delivery system. Meals for seniors will be available from local senior centers with 100% meal delivery, rather than grab and go. To receive direct delivery call your local senior center. You can also call DFTA’s Aging Connect at 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469) or 311. For more information visit the DFTA website.

Senior Center Reopening

Senior Centers may reopen June 14, 2021. Visit NYC Aging for locations. Social distancing and face covering guidelines remain in effect.

Elder Care Locator

Please use the U.S. Administration of Aging’s Elder Care Locator to connect you to services for older adults and their families by calling 800-677-1116 or visiting the website

Invisible Hands Deliver

Invisible Hands Deliver offers free supermarket and pharmacy deliveries during the Coronavirus pandemic for the elderly and frail. Please request a delivery using this online form

Senior Citizens’ Homeowner Exemption and Disabled Homeowner Exemption

If you were approved for one of these exemptions in 2020, the COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2020 requires that you remain approved at the same level for the same exemptions in 2021. If you may be eligible for a larger exemption in 2021, you will receive a renewal application. If your local government office believes you may no longer be eligible for this exemption, you may also need to complete a renewal application to determine your eligibility in 2021. Renewal applications do NOT need to be filed in person for 2021.

HRA continues to accept applications for the One Shot Deal which can also provide payment to bring an overdue and unpaid housing balance to zero, to stop the eviction or foreclosure from proceeding.

Free Transportation to Vaccine Appointments for Seniors

Individuals who are able to book a vaccination appointment and are 65 or older, cannot use public or private transportation, and do not have anyone to take them to their vaccination appointment can access free of charge transportation options provided by the City of New York:

  • Individuals who use Access-a-Ride, Medicaid-provided, or Medicare-provided transportation can schedule rides as they normally would.

  • Individuals who do not use Access-a-Ride, Medicaid-provided or Medicare-provided transportation, and are 65+, homebound or have a disability and require ambulette transportation can schedule a free ride to their vaccination site through Hunter (Ambulette): 718-991-2211.

  • Individuals 65 or older who do not qualify for any of the above services can schedule a free cab ride through Curbed at 646-349-0289.

 When scheduling transportation through these options, individuals should state that they are 65 or older, are going to be vaccinated in NYC, and that they understand that there is a contract with the City of New York for free transportation.


Are you worried about seeking help during the Coronavirus crisis due to your immigration status?

CUNY Citizenship NOW

CUNY Citizenship Now! provides free, high quality, and confidential immigration law services to help individuals and families on their path to U.S. citizenship. Our attorneys and paralegals offer one-on-one consultations to assess participants’ eligibility for legal benefits and assist them in applying when qualified.

This agency will provide only provide legal services remotely until further notice.

They will provide consultations on all family-based and naturalization cases. Direct assistance with applications will be limited to green card renewals, citizenship, DACA, and TPS.

To find the location closest to you:

For general questions, you can call 646-664-9400 and leave us a message, or text us at 929-334-3784.

Anyone who needs help during the Coronavirus crisis should seek care without fear, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay for health services. If you are mildly sick, stay home as much as possible. If your symptoms do not go away or get worse after three to four (3-4) days, please contact your doctor for a consultation by phone, text message, email, telemedicine (video conferencing), or through your patient portal.

If you need help finding a doctor or getting medical care call 311 and get connected to a doctor today. For more information, resources, and the latest updates in multiple languages on Coronavirus visit You can also sign up to get real-time SMS text updates on the latest developments in New York City. Text COVID to 692-692 to receive updates in English. Text COVIDESP to 692-692 to receive updates in Spanish.

Seeking or using medical treatment or preventive healthcare services related to COVID-19 will NOT be considered under the public charge rule, even if the services are Medicaid-funded. Use of healthcare services will not impact your ability to apply for a green card.

Public Charge

On March 9, 2021, the Supreme Court agreed to the Biden administration’s request to dismiss the pending case challenging the new public charge rule which had been issued by the Trump Administration. With this new development, the public charge rule is now blocked nationwide. 

Free Legal Services

Call the ActionNYC hotline at 800-354-0365 and say “public charge” from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, to get answers to your questions, plus:

  • Connections to immigration legal help and referrals to other legal and non-legal services.

  • The hotline is free and anonymous.

  • Help is available in over 200 languages.

NYC Immigrant Emergency Relief Program

NYC has an Immigrant Emergency Relief Program to assist immigrants, many of whom are undocumented, with one time financial assistance for those who have lost their jobs or are facing financial crises due to the pandemic. The citywide network of community based organizations will disseminate one-time emergency relief payments to eligible New Yorkers in the following amounts:

  • $400 for an individual

  • $800 for a couple or single parent with children

  • $1,000 for a family with multiple adults and children

Those in need can call the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs hotline (212-788-7654).

Excluded Workers Fund

The recently passed state budget included the Excluded Workers Fund, a $2.1 billion program designed to provide cash payments to workers who suffered income loss due to COVID-19 but were ineligible for unemployment and other federal assistance such as stimulus payments due to their immigration status or other factors. The program will allow applicants to receive either $15,600 or $3,200 depending on which of the criteria the applicant is able to satisfy. For more information on how to apply click here.


Where can I find more resources for New York City residents?

New York City has developed a NYC Coronavirus Resources and Support website where you can find programs and services that can help you make ends meet, find ways to cope, and support others during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Please find more resources on benefits available to New Yorkers in response to the Coronavirus pandemic here Coronavirus (COVID-19 Updates).

NYC also has a list of COVID-19 Resources for People with Disabilities.

Free Face Masks

New Yorkers: Get a free face covering at a NYC Park. To find the closest distribution location, date, & time, visit

FEMA Funeral and Burial Reimbursement

FEMA has announced a program that will help pay for the funeral and burial of COVID-19 victims whose families can’t afford the expenses. People can file retroactively for reimbursements dating back to January 20, 2020. A family seeking to file for the coverage will need documentation, such as a death certificate or obituary, as well as receipts for all the funeral costs.

FEMA will begin accepting applications for Funeral Assistance on Monday, April 12, 2021 through a dedicated call center.

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Line Number: 844-684-6333 | TTY: 800-462-7585

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

If you/someone had COVID-19 funeral expenses, we encourage you to keep and gather documentation. Types of information should include:

  • An official death certificate that attributes the death directly or indirectly to COVID-19 and shows that the death occurred in the United States, including the U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia.

  • Funeral expenses documents (receipts, funeral home contract, etc.) that includes the applicant’s name, the deceased person’s name, the amount of funeral expenses, and the dates the funeral expenses happened.

  • Proof of funds received from other sources specifically for use toward funeral costs. FEMA is not able to duplicate benefits received from burial or funeral insurance, financial assistance received from nongovernmental organizations, government agencies, or other sources.

Please continue to visit the Funeral Assistance website at for updated information.

Office of Burial Services

The HRA Office of Burial Services (OBS), formerly the Burial Claims Unit, is open for in-person services and to receive live phone calls on Wednesdays only from 9 AM – 5 PM:

In-person: 33-28 Northern Blvd, 3rd floor, Long Island City, NY 11101

By phone: 929-252-7731

Clients who call on any other day can leave a message and a staff member will return their call by the end of the next business day.


What if I have an OATH hearing?

OATH Offices are closed until at least April 13, 2020 and not conducting in-person hearings, but OATH is offering several remote hearing and rescheduling options.

The OATH Trials Division located at 100 Church Street, NY, NY 10007 is closed until Monday, April 20, 2020 but is still holding conferences and trials by phone. If interested in taking advantage of this option, parties should email [email protected].

The OATH Hearings Division has also closed its five borough hearing centers until at least April 13, 2020 and those locations are not holding in-person but the Hearings Division is still holding remote hearings.

If you are interested in a Hearing by Phone please email OATH at the hearing location listed on your summons:

Respondents with eligible summonses can submit a written defense online by doing a One-Click Online Hearing.

OATH is currently rescheduling all hearings when a respondent does not respond on or before the hearing date. If you want to reschedule your hearing yourself, you can use the Online Rescheduling form.

If you are self-represented and want assistance from OATH’s Help Center prior to your hearing, you can email the Help Center location where your hearings was going to be held and someone will email or call you back.


Freelancers Union Relief Fund

Freelancers Union Relief Fund will offer financial assistance of up to $1,000 per freelance household to cover lost income and essential expenses not covered by government relief programs, such as food/food supplies, utility payments and cash assistance to cover income loss

New York Foundation for the Arts

New York Foundation for the Arts has a list of emergency financial assistance grants for people in arts and culture, entertainment, writers and others areas affected by COVID-19, visit Grants

The Artists Relief Fund

Up to $5,000 in financial grants are available to artists for assistance. Applications are being accepted through September 2020. Additional information on how to apply and eligibility is available here:

Restaurant Workers Charity Foundation

Restaurant Workers Charity Foundation has an application available for assistance for those who work at restaurants. For information on the assistance available and the application process, those interested can click here:

Bartender Emergency Assistance Program

The USBG National Charity Foundation is offering grants for eligible applicants through its Bartender Emergency Assistance Program. For information on the assistance available and the application process, those interested can click here:

ROAR NY – Relief Opportunities for All Restaurants

The Relief Opportunities for All Restaurants program can provide a one-time $500 financial grant to full or part time restaurant workers who have lost work or income, or have experienced a substantial increase in medical expenses, due to the pandemic.  Starting December 14, 2020, this fund will be open for all restaurant workers in any borough to apply.  Until December 14, only residents of Queens and Bronx who were/are restaurant workers are eligible to apply.  You will be asked to provide your name, date of birth, and current address, as well as bank account information if you would want an electronic transfer of funds, if approved.  You will also be asked to provide a copy of a pay stub dated before December 20, 2019 and either a second pay stub dated on or after March 10, 2020, a letter of termination dated on or after March 10, 2020, or proof of unemployment benefits dated on or after the same date. 

You can apply for the one time assistance here:

The Professional Beauty Association

The PBA and PBA Charities have a new fund to help those who have list income and are a licensed beauty professional. Additional information on how to apply and eligibility is available here: HTTPS://WWW.PROBEAUTY.ORG/COVID-RELIEF-FUND-APPLICATION

One Fair Wage Emergency Fund

Provides cash assistance to restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers by applying here:


How do I plan for childcare?

Essential Workers

New York State will provide child care scholarships to all essential workers starting Monday, April 20. Essential workers include first responders such as health care providers, pharmaceutical staff, law enforcement, firefighters, food delivery workers, grocery store employees and others who are needed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Child care costs will be covered with the federal CARES Act funding to essential staff whose income is less than 300 percent of the federal poverty level – or $78,600 for a family of four – and will be paid up to market rate for each region statewide.

Essential workers can use the funding to pay for their existing care arrangement. If an essential worker needs child care, they can contact their local child care resource and referral agency (CCRR) to find openings.

To contact you local CCRR, you can locate it by going here:

Application to apply for the scholarship is located at the bottom of the page on the above link.

Learning Bridges

The NYC Department of Education is offering free child care and learning support programs for children in grades 3-K through 8th
grade for the days when children are scheduled for remote learning days.


Children in grades 3-K through 8th grade who are students enrolled in an early childhood education program or a Dept of Education school are eligible to enroll. This includes District 75, 4410 programs, 853 programs, contracted 3-K programs, Pre-K, EarlyLearn, and Dept of Education affiliated elementary and middle schools. Your children are not eligible if you have chosen a 100% remote learning schedule.

Priority enrollment is being given to children of families:

– Families who are residing in NYCHA buildings

– Students with disabilities

– Families who are residing temporarily in shelters or hotels

– Children of Dept of Education school staff and contracted childhood providers

– Children whose parent is considered an essential worker and were previously enrolled in a Regional Enrichment Center

To Apply:

Complete an online application:

You can also complete the application by calling 311, for assistance with the application over the phone.

For more information, please visit this page

Additional Resources

Recipients of Cash Assistance who are participating in an approved education or training program outside of the home, or are employed, may be eligible for childcare assistance. Active Cash Assistance recipients should take the following steps to apply for child care: Select a child care provider, complete the provider enrollment form, upload the form via ACCESS HRA mobile document upload.  

There is updated ACCESS HRA to guide applicants through the process and we also have information on the website here.

Below are links to relevant information:

Automated Child Care Eligibility and Enrollment System (ACEE): Child care programs for HRA clients

Child Care Provider Search: Easy to use search tool to locate NYC contracted & non-contracted Child Care Providers & short list/filter based on client needs

Child Care Provider Enrollment Supplement


Do you need assistance Hurricane Ida recovery?

Hurricane Service Centers 

Service Centers are open and available to provide resources including:  food and housing assistance, Crisis support services, Replacement IDNYC cards, Pet assistance, Spiritual and emotional care, Business assistance, Language services (form translation and interpretation) 

The following locations are available: 

Hostos Community College: East Academic Complex
500 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10451
Open daily from 8 AM to 7 PM. 

Medgar Evers College
231 Crown Street, Classroom P23
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Open daily from 8 AM to 7 PM. 

Queens College, Student Union
152-45 Melbourne Avenue
Flushing, NY 11367
Open daily from 8 AM to 7 PM. 

Staten Island
College of Staten Island
Gymnasium Building – R1
2800 Victory Boulevard
Staten Island, NY 10314
Open daily from 8 AM to 7 PM.


NYC – Bronx, Queens, Kings, and Richmond counties – are included in the list of counties eligible for federal financial relief.  Manhattan is not included.  This means that residents that have damage in these four counties are eligible to apply to FEMA for financial assistance.  An application must be completed and documentation submitted for review, including photos of the damage to the home and belongings, as well as a list of damaged and lost items.

Applications can be found at or by calling 1-800-621-3362

If you have homeowners or renters insurance, you must file a claim through your insurance first, before applying to FEMA.

American Red Cross 

The American Red Cross is available for assistance, including financial assistance or hotel assistance if your home is no longer inhabitable due to damage by calling 877-733-2767 Monday-Friday 9am-4pm

The City Cleanup Corps (CCC) is available in all five boroughs for seniors, 65 and older, who need assistance in removing debris from their homes.  You can report the damage and assistance needed  through this link: and scrolling to the bottom of the page to enter your information and details.

Hebrew Free Loan Society

Hebrew Free Loan has three new Storm Damage Loan Programs:

  1. Storm Damage Loans – Up to $12,000 – for any expenses incurred due to storm damage. Repayment plan of no more than $300/month for up to 40 months.

  2. Storm Damage Loans for Homeowners – Up to $30,000 – for home repairs and property damage caused by the storm. Repayment plan of no more than $300 a month for up to 100 months.

  3. Storm Damage Loans for Small Business Owners – Up to $50,000 – for business needs related to storm damage. Repayment plan of $1000-$2000 per month for 24-48 months.

Applications for loans and more information available at:


How do I plan for my pet or service animal if I have a medical emergency?

There is a Pet Hotline now available for those who have pets in NYC who have been impacted by COVID 19:

Pet owners impacted by COVID 19 can call the Pet Hotline at 877-204-8821 7 days a week, 8am to 8pm.

Please visit the NYCEM pets planning page at to help plan ahead for your pets in case of a medical emergency.

Please note that this document is provided solely for your convenience. It does not replace the applicable laws, rules and regulations guiding this process. This document is current as of February 7, 2022 and will be updated with additional information as it becomes available.