5JIT: COJO-SI 41st Annual Pre-High Holiday Food Distribution

This article originally appeared on 5JIT.

Prosper Elfassy, Scott Maurer, Ari Weiss, Captain Bruce Ceparano, Mendy Mirocznik, Captain Michael Galletta, and Assemblyman Michael Cusick at COJO Holiday Food Distribution

Prosper Elfassy, Scott Maurer, Ari Weiss, Captain Bruce Ceparano, Mendy Mirocznik, Captain Michael Galletta, and Assemblyman Michael Cusick at COJO Holiday Food Distribution

The Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island (COJO) held its annual food giveaway in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. This important community service was made feasible with the generosity, support, and partnership with Met CouncilFood Bank for NYC, and City Harvest. On hand was Assemblyman Michael Cusick whose advocacy and support made this food giveaway a resounding success.

Assemblyman Michael Cusick and Mendy Mirocznik at COJO food distribution

Assemblyman Michael Cusick and Mendy Mirocznik at COJO food distribution

This year marks the 41st year that COJO has helped ensure all members of the Staten Island community can celebrate Rosh Hashanah in a dignified manner in accordance with Jewish traditions and customs.

The event took place on September 16 at the Aur Torah Sephardic Congregation of Staten Island, where over 1,500 bags of food were distributed to those in need. Mendy Mirocznik, president of COJO, thanked Rabbi Aharon Zeev, rav of the congregation, as well as its leadership and devoted members who are true friends of all people. Mirocznik thanked Oshri and Iva Reuven, Prosper Elfassy and his family Coral Kalazan and Esther Binyaminov, Moshe and Maya Tisona and Idit and Issac Hershovitz, for not only hosting the food distribution but for actively working it as well.

Mirocznik thanked Scott Maurer, chief executive officer and executive vice-president of COJO, Lloyd Lerner, David Lazar, Zvi and Sarah Spiler and Esther and Carol Ann Rebori from COJO for being on hand and for their hard work and dedication to the food distribution. Mirocznik thanked the NYPD, Captain Bruce Ceparano, the Commanding Officer of PCT. 121 and Captain Michael Galletta, the Executive Officer of PCT. 121 and their Neighborhood Coordinating Officers who coordinated with Ari Weiss, COJO Security Chairman and Coordinator of the Staten Island Shomrim for their help in making the food distribution a smooth event.

“For decades COJO of Staten Island has provided invaluable support and services to the people of Staten Island and this event is just another example of their dedication to bettering our community,” said Assemblyman Michael Cusick. “I am always proud to be their partner in bringing events like this food giveaway to the people of Staten Island.” COJO and Staten Island is fortunate to have at its leadership Mendy Mirocznik and Scott Maurer. Two energetic advocates who selflessly devout their time and energy in helping others.

Mirocznik further thanked Met Council, Food Bank for NYC, and City Harvest for their generosity in helping to make the 41st COJO food giveaway a success. Mirocznik specially acknowledged David Greenfield, Aaron Cyperstein, Jessica Chait, and Benjamin Zaintez as, “the dynamic team with a golden ear who truly care to help people not to worry about food insecurity. Words cannot express our deep gratitude and appreciation for their valiant efforts in helping Staten Island during this difficult time of Covid 19. distribution. They truly have made a difference in the lives of many people. Their warmth and love are noted and appreciated.”

Scott Maurer stated, “The COJO Rosh Hashanah Food Relief is just one component of our pantry that services all people of Staten Island. Our goal is to make sure that no person goes hungry on Staten Island.”

Annie Nirschel